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Why is it always my flag

do Asians not think their eyes are significantly obscured by their eyelids?

Nobody is going to point out that she's getting BLEACHED?

>racist caricature eyes
slant eyes confirmed for inferior

>asian woman trying to make asians look bad

>make us look like you pls
>otherwise you're racist

>No it's not dark hair, it's a very dark blonde
>No it's not slint eyes, it's just that I don't open them that often
>No it's not that I'm desperatly seeking for a way to whine about racism, it's only my way of existing

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surely not, she has the face of a tuber


btw i personally find her row of white teeth based

wtf lmao

asian women saviours of the white race yet again

the "caricatured" one is hotter
but thats just because im a chink

are her eyes open?

cause koreans are retards.

My eyes are slanty when i smile to and i'm white

as for her skin tone your picture proves that it is literally the same as the whitoid right next to her

I think its because that kind of style is considered more "exotic" and elevates east asians as this kind of "higher" and more "pure" beings. But thats just my opinion.

we wuz aliens n shiet

Why do asian women always end up with white men, But asian men more or less never end up with white women.?

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That's normal socially acceptable thing. You should know this like no one else, you've got country full of examples.

this will answer your question

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Small dicks. Weak bodies. Nerdish looks.

That guy is clearly not her boyfriend

amazing, she goes from had to shag in less than a hong kong minute!

We wuz Elves and shieet my chigga


wtf keyboard!?

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Success breeds jealousy.

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stupid capitalist tryhard chinos

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Like you depict anime character as white

I don't think anyone cares when the woman is that ugly, regardless of race. It's like when a nog is with a 300 lbs coal burner.


why are nonwhites so insecure


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Because white skin and non-brown eyes are clearly superior in terms of looks.

>almond eyes
does she think she is a fricking etruscan or something? middle east people and meds have those eyes, not you.

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down syndrome is your stylized asians.


I want a jap wife.

at-atleast she was r-right about the skin tone, h-haha!

I hate having boring soulless brown eyes, why couldn't I be born with green eyes like my siblings.

zitto animale

She's right about the skin tone though

asians are naturally yellow, but they bleach their skin a lot

if having a yellowish tint makes us naturally yellow, then white people having a red tint makes them naturally red.

I 'd fuck her slant eyed face.
if you catch my drift

nah, we are pink and you are jelly

are you gonna gouge it

all women are goblins without makeup, it's just reality

Glad I have rather big eyes and not a flat piggy nose.

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