

Attached: radiodj.webm (640x800, 2.74M)

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Who gives a shit as long as they stay there

>as long as they stay there
Just how fucking naive are you?

imagine being in the 50's and thinking humanity will dominate the universe and in 2018 it turns out the whole world will turn into an african shithole

>african shithole
TOP KEK white boi.

World will be civilized once again

Attached: 1499208266255.jpg (795x988, 264K)

why are you speaking english?

its simple even compared to african indigenous languages
its hard to believe english developed in a kingdom instead of in a cavemen community

He's learned the primitive tongue so he can communicate with subhuman savages online

the world isn't speaking an african language because they are too complex, i see.

>tfw qt surplus african gf soon
feels good lads

Attached: roach.jpg (500x667, 76K)