Princess Visegradia edition
/v4/ + friends
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very rude
based enough to get their head bashed in
>not posting the goat
ok cuck
theres nothing wrong with hating minorities and women
message to polish people
your mothers make you soup from croatian product
say "thank you Zlata Bartl" and your soups will stay delicious forever
We should all vote for the Pirate party
Lel lad
I like how even the shittiest OC will gather attention in these threads
jesus christ this made me gag
Is Warzywko and Vegeta the same thing?
Thanks for Ajvar btw
Looking like this in public should be penalized
there is nothing more disgusting than young commies
thank muslimbros for ajvar actually
>those things
more like bunch of potheads
>absolute retard in my dungeon
>check his server
They're only commies if they vote for commies. Reasonable people vote for the Pirates
>modern commies
where's the difference?
or azralon
well potheads tend to be trash and big in number and everywhere so it doesnt just apply to one group
well let me put it this way then
>all commies are potheads
>not all potheads are commies
more like the other way around, especially if you count the boomer commies
dunno, I know a lot of potheads who don't really care about politics, but basically every commie I know is a weed stenching millenial
Appropriating their cuisine, fashion, and military while shitting on their religion and ethnicity is the thinking man's choice
Fug, meant for
who is appropriating who?
>Funny mission
I bet some polack uploaded this just to piss off other polacks
We are appropriating turkish stuff, have been for ages
well they kinda brought it here and integrated it into our culture, so it's not really appropriating per se
daily reminder that the white negroes of europe aka p*les should be genocided
i hate all sl*vs tho
miénk lehet akkor összes Lengyel föld
legyen. a felvidék meg a miénk lesz
anyone who votes for those Piráti niggerlovers should be hanged
I fucking hate being in Pr*gue desu, Pirate voters fucking everywhere
we really need some proper far right party in Pepíkland desu. Doesn't even have to be far right just nationalistic, anti degenerate and anti gommie
But we're not slavs dumbass
We're proud Sarmatians and we ruled slavs, we just learned their language to make sure they're not scheming against us
I'm not even Czech, but this is ridiculous, SPD are fucking clowns and back home in Slovakia all we have are ĽSNS which is full of fucking retards and SNS which is our equivalent of neocon boomer jewlovers.
>brain worm
Australia is such a lovecraftian place
just gives shivers how random things like that can lead to a terrifying death
I think death was the least terrifying part of those 8 years
Death would be more merciful than what he and his family had to endure for years
well yeah, everything that has eventually lead to it
Why slug better snail?
1- Slug is so much light than snail who have shell to copy slug technology.
2- The snail use the shell because is a f*cking f*get.
3- snail got crush so easy, and you can give the slug to ur dog chew and it ll still eat lettuce.
4- shell is MORE heavy than a no shell.
5- some slug have internal shell because more evolved
6- Your cousin will not want to stay on your house to play slug
7- If you trow the slug on the wall, the wall will go up.
8- Trow both on the water and watch which will come up first.
9- slug at mate will make a cord. sn�il will show the dribble.
10- All snigel are hermarphodite. snail is too but because it is f*get
11 - slug means the name of a bullet. snail means it is slow.
12 - Slug will eat carrion; dont give f*ck
13- slug didn't needed an upgrade. Slug is perfect
big if true
Not sure if we can handle so many truthbombs at once
t. hasnt massacared slugs with hoes in the vegetable garden
supreme gentleman
t. butthurt snail
t. jealous of my house on my back
fucking slug prick
Mr. Freeman i don't feel so good
you can get these new
good shit
Another day wasted
yeah baby
Going to bed. Bread will die.