Ah yes, china

ah yes, china

Attached: bus.png (577x654, 303K)

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Ah yes, women*

>The passenger attacked the driver after he refused to pull over after she missed her stop

Well, it looks like she got what she wanted in the end.

Attached: drawn happy yoba.png (522x389, 25K)

Ah yes, chinese women*

That's just a freak accident could happen literally anywhere.

just watched the vid, why the fuck would the bus driver ever do that for such a small inconvenience

Are you making fun of people dying?
Not cool bro.

Poms are crypo-yanks.

Chinks aren't exactly the best drivers in the world.

horrible tragedy
it pains me to say this but i could see this happening in america too

Vehicles are too civilized to our chinese.

Glad I dont take public transport.

Id take a train or subway before I take a bus here in america.

5000 years of civilization.



Attached: 1523854715651.png (800x1672, 209K)

Shit I didn't see the video, the driver is basically committing vengeful sudoku.

this may get drowned out by everyone arguing about women and chinese, but can we talk about buses and the feasibility of escaping a submerged bus for a moment?

Do public transit buses come with "emergency exits?"

Is it possible to get them open when submerged?

I'm aware of China quality, but do you think some passangers would have survived if it were, say, a german bus? I have never ridden in public transporation in my life(I know American things) but this 100% mortality bus video freaks me the fug out, i'd feel better if there was even a chance.

Attached: Nervous frog.png (246x232, 103K)

>Ah yes, chinese women*

>chink man speaks truth
what the fuck is this is today opposite day

You cannot open the doors, you are supposed to break the windows, it's written on it, but I still don't know how. Also under water I'm not sure if it's feasible.

Their life is very cheap.
It's for media to pray silently.

Attached: aftermath-photos-china-high-speed-trains-collision.jpg (950x634, 281K)

Doesn't every bus come with those glass breaking mini hammers?
They do with our busses

Oh lawd can you imagine breaking the glass, the water rushing in and 15 people struggling to get through a window. Drowing is one of my worst fears

he was a bus driver living in a country with majority rude cunts, he probably got sick of life and hated his passengers so much he dreamed of driving them all off the bridge every time his route took him over it
then some bitchy cunt started slapping him and he thought to himself, "you know what, today is the day"

In our country each bus equipped by mini hammers for breaking windows and emergency exist in top. Though being in 3rd world some hammers might be missing.

she was obviously in the right if he refused to stop at a designated stop for her

>Drowing is one of my worst fears
Now imagine drowning because of stupid chinese, it fucks your karma.

That's a lot of cranes just for a bus...

Westcucks are grabbing for straws at this point.


It's grasping at straws. Even I know that, Wang.


Not Chinese, I'm a white American guy who just realizes what the future holds.

Attached: 3f8631a4ea3c3396efb00c8e010829cf4f05cae9f561d3d6227f8bda8021ad60.png (680x460, 237K)

>Not Chinese, I'm a white American guy
uh huh

That's highspeed railway accident.
They buried the vehicles which the people were left.

Attached: 119861322_2.jpg (750x489, 175K)

That was pretty amazing. Guy was obviously tired of his dead-end job and boring life. The altercation with that bitch was the straw that broke the camel's back.

please tell me apu, will he be reincarted as a bug in the next or is it positive karma to kill the bitch even if it costs 14 other lives?

wow you're a cuck

I've been questioned about this before. I posted a picture of my brown hair a couple weeks ago, but I assure you, I am white. You don't have to be Chinese to realize what's happening.

>leftists will still shill public transport after seeing this

Public transports will be all automated soon.

>Cars cause 50,000 deaths a year in the US alone
I'm embarrassed to be an Amerilard sometimes.

Lmao Chinese women are so bad at driving that they can crash buses without even touching the wheel

The pure reality
She drove 15 people straight to their deaths because of her selfishness

imagine how thin society is when this can happen

Very american post

In Britain the newer buses have these buttons on the window that you hit hard and it shatters the window, Only on the upper floors i think and usually only one or two big windows towards the middle of the bus. I can't find actual pictures of them though
