>In Istanbul there is a old Turkish woman
>how she wished her son would grow to be a Doctor or a scientist
>but he stays at home all day on the internet all day oddly shouting "I am a a black bull"
>she once went thought his computer and found nearly over a hundred pictures of black men
>when she asked him about it he simply declares its too Trigger foreigners on a anime image sharing website
>she thinks her son is Gay
>she believes she has failed as a mother
In Istanbul there is a old Turkish woman
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do you guys hate Afghanistan or what
no, you not white and neither are turks btw
saged reported for spam
white,black and brown are retarded American ways to view race
oh you sweet summer child ahahaha
"caucasian" is 19th century pseudoscience, you are not white/european and neither are turks
now go kys
>you are not white/european
I never said I was
>and neither are turks
well oh I guess all those European leaders who considered the ottoman/Turks European for nearly 300 years were all wrong because a IQ 300 Brazilian said so
truly you have shown me the error of my ways and proven me wrong
all those historians were all proven wrong in this single post
please answer - >
well depends on the "Pakistani"
Sindhi's and Baloch hate Afghans
why ?
because their quickly becoming the majority population of Pakistan
they have the highest birth rate in all of Pakistan and more and more coming everyday
Sindhi's and Baloch are both afraid of becoming minorities in their homes
most educated upper to upper middle class Pakistani's have somewhat of snobbish and racist view towards Afghan ethnic groups
viewing them as stupid,moronic,violent ,poor e,t,c
but the vast majority of us neutral