Is working for 10 euros an hour normal in your cunt?

Is working for 10 euros an hour normal in your cunt?
Am I getting ripped off?

Legit question, no maymay answers pls

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i have 9$ an hour that's like 6 euros

I made $12.50 when working at McDonald's

>My time is literally worth 11X OP's (with conversion)


My first job was aprx 11 euros an hour.

Im 25 btw
Getting bamboozled, right?

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You need strasserism

First job was $21 an hour. Stay poor fags

>Is working for 10 euros an hour normal in your cunt?
Pffffff I fucking wish
Try 3-4 euro.

I make 72k/yr now faggot, fuck off.

>5 figures
LMAO - no wonder they say americans are retarded

Lmao poorfag. I make 10 euros PLUS 50 cents an hour.

the average suburb in my region costs ~180k, i'm doing fine.

>an entire suburb costs $180k

Lmao hows life in Louisiana cletus?

same bruv

r u from ballonia or flanders

based xddddd

I live in Washington state, and it's very nice.

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You shut him up real quick lmao

minimum wage for baby sitters in california is $18/hr

Normal for lazy municipal workers.

We can't all be lawyerdoctors.

>Australian dollars to Euros

I make like 8$ dollars an hour as an engineer, f*rsToids should shut up with complaining

lol people cleaning toilets here usually get about 12 USD an hour

I'll invade your country

>10€ an hour
that would be considered a pretty good salary here, except if you live in Madrid or Barcelona.

ill invade your fat brown mothers sagging arse since your dad cant even get hard these days since hes too old

for 10€ an hour is normal for cleaning, dishwashing, helping out stuff...

It's about the minimum wage so no. Depends on what you're doing of course.
I'm so sorry

But my friend lives in Brazil and makes like 3k USD doing a dumb office job in marketing

10 euro is oligarch tier here. then again shit is cheaper

12€ with a possibility to get it multiplied by up to 1.6 times depending on how much time it takes to complete tasks, so pretty good for a first job. Pick related, mfw posting from work

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lol what a poor fucking retard. i own 30+ properties around the world, have 2 yachts and own 2 very successfully startups. i made 20k last week, what are you doing wiht your life faggot?

depends on the job t.b.h, minimum wage was like $7/hr in my low cost of living, midwest area ($100k for a normal 1.5k-2k sqft house, $200k+ for 3k sqft or nicer homes) growing up but just did manual labor shit like landscaping and made $10/hr with no tax because under the table work with mostly mexicans and only the boss and I were white. One even told me how he crossed some river to get to the US even though he doesnt know how to swim. 3rd job was an internship about $16/hr and was easier but much more boring and less fun. Now doing PhD which is just $32k/yr which is good enough for food, rent, phone, water/electricity, and some $7k in spending money or so. Might do internship year round for more spending money though

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life is also pretty cheap in spain so it scales well
i wouldnt imagine living on 10€ a day on france or britain, theres a reason they travel here for cheap cigs and alcohol

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