There's an actual girl lurking on Jow Forums right now

>there's an actual girl lurking on Jow Forums right now
>she might be cute
>she's likely half dressed

Attached: top-20-dandere-girls-in-anime.jpg (816x459, 47K)

*breathes in*

Attached: 1481976785001.jpg (1280x1920, 493K)

she's my wife thanks

Shit guys, act cool.

Attached: rt4d9zy0qiw11.jpg (2208x1242, 133K)

God I wish that was me

Could be a trao too.

if a girl were damaged enough to come on here they probably fuck black guys.

Stay composed boys, she could be in this very thread right now

>there are 100's of different boys browsing Jow Forums right now
>at least a few are guaranteed to be cute
>they likely aren't dressed at all
>there is one posting in this thread right now

Attached: 1539061311720.jpg (500x331, 43K)

I also wish I was the magic nigger