
banging that mango haze edition

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ban cars

she's a maniac a maniac

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u get too high dude

yuropeon libcucks DEMOLISHED

ben shapiro CAME in his panties


bc i'm tall and good looking

that makes me at the very least a 7.5/10

You're not my mother.

I will crack your fucking skull in

your failure to obtain the other 2.5 points is because of your beta personality


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first indian reporting

you're a drug addled cunt haha need pills dammit

good looking guys like myself tend to be beta bc men treat us with hostility.

u wouldnt do fuckall

new shirt

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Yanks aren’t human. Watch them closely on tv and you’ll see the glaze in their eyes. There’s just nothing there.

yet your here

Ben Shapiro MAINLINES an 8ball of LOGIC into his NUTSACK

It's funny how the BBC is called the BBC and it shows a disproportionate amount of interracial relationships featuring black men. Coincidence? Unlikely.

rubbish, its all to do with upbringing

you sound like you've had a cushty middle class ubringing in the middle of fuck all. im tall, good looking and from a council estate and im outgoing as fuck

no they dont

NoNutNovember day 6 and the pressure is mounting. Boners are fierce and my will is weak. I feel as if a strong breeze to the penis would make me nut. Gonna be a long month


are you the nazi finn?


>Yanks aren’t human. Watch them closely on tv and you’ll see the glaze in their eyes. There’s just nothing there.

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let it go

Hey hey
Poo poo
Get off of my cloud

Hey hey
Poo poo
Get off of my cloud

Don't hang around 'cause two's a crowd

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Yanks are subhuman dogs.

Still going on about that mate?
Guess you're the seething one

important morning poll


It feels so satisfying using the bow and arrow in rdr2 without auto lock.

Me? I’m from Yankia

where's the not slept and early toil option

had a dream where I was mogged by stacy in front of chad and chad's friends

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toil gang

30 minutes until commute

yeah you won't get a job unless you're not indigenoius Brit. Pay your TV licence btw

Rolling on the floor with your girlfriend my nig.

nice homie

chads hang out in groups of other chads

reckon it's going to be a sausage mcmuffin day

put your left hand in and shake it all about

What's the cheat code to going to all your lectures at uni cause I haven't got it

Don't you have something you should be doing right now?

Lad i just got here you mad cunt.

kind of false

normally there is a chaddest chad in a group of chads. kind of like a good looking leader

Ignore him he's just on nuclear meltdown mode from last thread

Don't like life


I want to have my way with Emma Watson.

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bald bald baldie

>tone it down
Well don't start fucking talking about shit here you autistic nigger.

about to shower but I'm scared of being mogged by my reflection in the mirror

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fat bitch

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grotesque mongy slapper

Weird cunt.

David Duke

That lad eat a slug?

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your average aussie poster pictured on the right

Doesn't matter if you're attractive, if youve got a shit personality you'll become physically less attractive in women's eyes

the drugs are gonna ruin u man

You're one to talk. Get the fuck outta my face.

What thr fuck does one do with a "gf"?

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The time has come and so have I.

>Those guys who burnt the Grenfell model went to fess up to the local police station, and have been held overnight while the police consider charging them with a hate crime...

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Can't beat a bit of Hammer Horror eh /Brit/.
Not the SAS service man Lee but still good.

stop feeding it

no anime on /brit/ please don't know how many times i have to tell you

Ohhhhhh shut up Rorke its not even 7am yet


This may be the hottest image in history. HNNNNNG!

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A season ticket cost £1 in England 100 years ago. Imagine.


heyyyy rorke a shutta your face

don't forget to vote

*flies off in helicopter*


Will have to go to fucking UNITOIL TOMORROW

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Just like Leicester City.

wish i could decide when i poo. slave to my bowels i am.

Enjoy slaving away for years for a useless fucking degree my dude.

are you saying my law degree is useless lmao state of this cope

A law degree is useful but the Yank's won't be.


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engineering doesn't belong in universities

bring back the polys

can you believe this abomination is a female.. the state. has a few good songs like the one on the fifa 19 soundtrack for instance

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I want to hump her.

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u have to be trusted by the people that lie to u so that when they turn there back on u u’ll get the chance to put the knife in

Universal Credit started texting me when to wake up

America is a nation of lawyers

just stop man you're making me cringe

polytechs never went away

he has a sabre and a katana why? I need history

get a fucking job man