Go to my polling place to vote

>go to my polling place to vote
>guy handing out the ballots is wearing one of these hats
>everyone in front of me in line was thanking him for his service as they finished speaking with him
>get to my turn in line
>he hands me my ballot, explains it to me
>I say "okay" and walk away
>he says "wait."
>"aren't you going to thank me for my service?"
>I whip around on one foot and say to him
>"soldiers are killers, your so called 'service' made this planet a much worse place. I *resent* you for your service."
>he stares at me in silence
>vote straight dem and leave the polling place without saying another word

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fucking based

Nice, soldiers are racists, they deserve it.

fucking based

>>he says "wait."
>>"aren't you going to thank me for my service?"

No he didn't

When you people are typing this out do you really think anyone is going to believe you?

And then everyone clapped.

You're the real hero.
Btw when I visited America three years ago, I landed at Guardia airport in NYC and I shit you not - there was a BIG sign "Support Our Troops" and a camera right there looking at you, probably checking facial expressions/reactions. You guys are fucking nuts

okay this is epic

wonder how many vietnamese kids he killed and women he raped



Also, OP is a fucking faggot.

Get the fuck off of my board, boomers

>Get the fuck off of my board, boomers

The amount of homosexuality in that post.

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Thank you for your service, Sgt Gonzalez


Most military people I meet are retarded white trash pieces of shit. I'm not going to thank them because they enlisted only to take advantage of the GI bill (free college).

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>have few real political convictions
>vote straight ticket Democrat purely because I hate Jow Forumsniggers

cool bro...

Attached: ss.jpg (480x360, 23K)

Be sure to vote today so Trump doesn't lose both the House and Senate

Attached: wr2eyufa95s11.jpg (1063x1080, 109K)

We've already won faggot.
And the npc meme only makes people think of you leftist tranny fuckers.
cmon guy.. Lets be for real lol

Yes Mr. Genius that's the joke

I get it.

Attached: smells good anon.jpg (600x406, 199K)

that happened. also fuck you for voting for dems. REPUBLICANS ARE BASED.

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Go back to Jow Forums, you fucking spastic. Retards like you stick out like a sore thumb on this website.

Veterans i have more respect for than most other people because they were told they were fighting for their people, for freedom, and democracy, and went through he'll on earth only to realize they were lied to, and are them thrown aside
I don't respect what they fought for, but I do respect what they thought they were fighting for

you, sire, are and idiot -___-

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Not only based but redpilled as well!

the left cant meme. steals right wing memes.

>Retards like you stick out like a sore thumb on this website.

It's wonderful isn't it?
The same could be said about you fucking leftist faggots that were raised by your mothers. You guys always tend to have this certain quality of s o y about you.

>I don't respect what they fought for, but I do respect what they thought they were fighting for
American intellectuals everybody


fuggin two party politics, even the democrats have some greasy warhawks in their old guard

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I suppose I worded that wrong.
I respect what they thought they were out there fighting for, but I don't respect the real agenda behind the wars that the soldiers were largely unaware of

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you have to be +18 and based/redpilled to post here



stay based and redpilled, brainlets

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Autist is bored and makes up shit for attention. Idiots are replying. Many such cases. VERY SAD!


cant believe you voted dem faggot

go eat some more crayons, billy

voted for the first time and I voted dem

It was Johnson, a Dem president that first started sending Combat troops to Vietnam.

Attached: ljohnson.jpg (592x738, 66K)

he is a cuck. i am greek vote for golden dawn, and i pay attention to world politics. i always root for right wing, far right, libertarian parties. i was so happy when bolsonaro won, i almost fainted after i learned that trump won, i respect orban, netanyahu, the italian government, kurz from austria. i backed le pen, wilders, ukip, and those autists in sweden. i love morsi, and abe, and i want to see libertarian death squads.

>golden dawn

Fucking based.

wow man you sound pretty bad ass
rly proud of you

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to be fair, american intervention spanned 4 presidents in both parties, it was a bipartisan effort and mistake

>just got everyone on my bus to not vote for ronald rump
Tonight it ends Republicants.

>not just slitting their r*Mptard throats when they sleep

Redpilled, but not based.

>Tonight it ends Republicants.

don't you have bigger problems to worry about than American politics?
Always fascinates me, the amount of moose fuckers that care about the US political system.. when we really don't give a flying fuck about yours.
>except we all know Trudeau is a flaming faggot.

Eurotards will

>Vietnam war



Not all of them were selected via the draft
