Everything on any forum or news station is about the amermutt irrelevant election

>everything on any forum or news station is about the amermutt irrelevant election

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well if you guys stopped obsessing over us and the Jow Forums tards fucked off we wouldn't have this problem

>he doesn't filter american flag posts and 100+ terms relating to the USA
lol its the future you chose, I haven't seen an american post since summer 2016 when all the election fags showed up

sucks to be you loser

No lies here

wtf are you serious?
we don't give a fuck about any country's politicians except maybe the UK PM

You’re missing a lot of stuff mate. Most election fags have contained themselves to Jow Forums

how did you see this then you mountain kike

How do you decieve your countrymen into thinking this election even matters, truth is the game was rigged from the start.

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because I don't have amerimutt filtered genius

don't reply to Dane posters

and neither do you have election filtered

suck my cock

>forgot he has me filtered
Someone screencap

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oh nonononononooooo

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It's for the best really.

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you're a son of America now :^)

>Posting frogshit

You deserve to get flooded with it faggot.

Do Americans really get stickers for going out and voting?

Literally an infant society.

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You must look at your life through heaven's eyes.


at most you get a stub from your ballot sheet

you obsess over yourselves no one else gives a shit about brown people

BBC has a whole section dedicated to news in America

americans are not the ones making these threads

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the world spins around america

>2 things by US flags
Gee golly

>16 matches
why is Jow Forums so infatuated with the USofA?

there are 14 threads with america in the title on Jow Forums right now and not one single thread was made by an american

How do you think it feels here.

the entire world is unironically obsessed. Its not just a meme