I want to move to South Korea. 여러분 안녕하세요!

I want to move to South Korea. 여러분 안녕하세요!

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Why? Can't you play StarCraft here?

Starcraft isn't that good.

the joke is lost on this one

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Aight fair enough
Do modern Koreans even still play it though?

yes it's like a religion for them

Never touched a starcraft game before so hopefully I don't have to play it too much

Learn Korean, honestly.

A month ago I went to a Korean expo and literally they were going to pay full scholarship to people who had at least the TOPIK-I certificate.

From there you would have to maintain a decent GPA.

So start learning Korean, not as fast as you can, but do it daily.

why? are u white

I'm trying my hardest! 감사합니다.


why korea? kpop and korean girls?

How old are you btw?

Just old enough to be on here

I'm asking because I think you can be up to 25 to get into college there. But it all depends if you're willing on going to study abroad and what would you like to study.

answer my question. why korea


Also I have Korean language experience from when I was 11 and studied it and a friend in South Korea there too

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lol youre not gonna get anything

You're probably right

i hope you realize korean girls know what yellow fever is, you autist

nice reddit spacing
go back to r/Mexico fucking weeabo nigger

I'm a russiaboo, but got curious about the Korean program. Are you that retarded that get offended by spacing? Typical non-contributing chairo.

I'm not even a chairo, glad you confirmed you spend all your day on reddit fucking nigger

>Mexican word to denominate people linked to far-left politics (Marxism) who usually practice slacktivism in social networks like Twitter or Facebook making annoying hashtags based in conspiracy theories.

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