Asia Bibi

>your country
>is your media reporting on the Asia Bibi riots?
>if so, are they also posting the articles on Facebook?

No, none of them

Could it be because the thousands of people rioting are just everyday Pakistanis, and not a tyrannical government, challenging the narrative that we need to open our borders to as many of those people as we can without vetting? Hmmmm.

Attached: asiabibiprotests_hdv.jpg (1000x563, 102K)

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Yes but people are torn over this issue here, as we also have very strict blasphemy laws and most of people are very sensitive when it comes to insulting the religion.

Do you reckon there's an air of sympathy for the offended people of Pakistan? Or are they trying to work out how they're somehow different?

Wow, nice fucking going, you are just like our cunt. Don't you make fun of islam all the time tho?

>there's an air of sympathy for the offended people of Pakistan?

Not as much to support lynching the blasphemer, more like people understand some people can be really annoyed if their religion is offended (but most of Poles don't think the girl's behavior was really disrespectful).

>Don't you make fun of islam all the time tho?

We do, insulting islam is not really punished here, or at least no one cares, but people understand that if someone insulted catholicism they'd feel annoyed as well, not as much to kill the offender but still

We've had a blashpemy case recently, the guy (popular journalist and satirist of Jewish roots) published an image of "banned Jesus" in his newspaper and got fined $30,000 and most of people here support this punishment:

And even though the fine seems to be high, he actually had it easy as here this crime is punishable by imprisonment up to 2 years.

btw Poland is really the Pakistan of Europe in terms of religion

Attached: DrFuSCMXgAADgEU.jpg (1200x821, 108K)

I thought russia was much more religious.

This is also a difference between Poland and Russia, while in Russia the government pretends to be religious and the orthodox power exerts quite big political power as the tool of the government, the Russian people are not really religious.

Meanwhile in Poland people are zealously religious and the government has to follow and adjust to it, even if politicians have more liberal views (but the current government is right-wing and extremely conservative so it's just like the people).

This is messed up

respect our culture pls

What's right winged about your government?

social conservatism, attitude to religion

So, populistic government basically?


is a liberal government in a liberal country also populist?

what does "populist" even mean in this case? people vote for politicians that have the same views like they have so it's normal conservative people tend to vote for conservative politicians

from this point of view all governments in Poland were always populist because certain things like learning religion in schools, crosses in classes, religious marriages recognized equally with civil ones etc were never questioned in Poland, even by nominally leftist politicians.

the current conservative government just enhanced it like it introduced the sunday trade ban for instance

>most of people are very sensitive when it comes to insulting the religion
Even when it's not Christianity?

Meaning they just say outloud stuff to appeal voters and create image of strong politicians that do not afraid to say anything.

no, it's confined to catholicism mostly but people understand other people in the world might be as much sensitive about their own religions

not that someone supports lynching here, just blasphemy was always considered a repulsive crime in Poland so people naturally tend to despise the blasphemer

even though people here don't think what Asia Bibi did was real blasphemy but still - other cultures can view such things differently

for a French tearing the Bible apart would be just tearing some random book some people consider the holy one, while for a Pole it would be a terrible case of blasphemy and such acts are usually punished severely here (and always cause protests on the streets against the blasphemer)

there was a case several years ago when Nergal, the frontman of Behemoth tore the Bible apart and after a long legal battle the court eventually acquitted him (because he did it during a "private", closed concert, not in a public place) and this judgement sparked protests all over Poland

are there any politicians who don't do it? how do they win the election then?

Attached: z20818955IE,Protest-przed-koncertem-Behemotha-w-Poznaniu.jpg (768x432, 75K)

our pakistanis are different you see they've seen the glorious light of British culture

>are there any politicians who don't do it? how do they win the election then?
Everybody does, but populism is aimed more at social problems and promotes it's policies much heavily i guess, i'm not an expert on that either lol

>Sharia zones
>British Culture

she should have been stoned to death for what she did

bit racist reported

I keep hearing that pakis in bongland are even more conservative than pakis in pakiland. Not sure how true that is.

what happened?

>but populism is aimed more at social problems and promotes it's policies much heavily i guess,

I don't think so. If a country has real social problems and the politician wants to fix it, would you call him populist? We can a populist politician the one who appeals to the lowest instincts. Are religious feelings the lowest instincts? It depends on who you ask obviously.

Btw some time ago I read an interview with a Pakistani atheist who lives and studies in Poland, he said Poland and Pakistan have a lot in common in terms of people's attitude to religion, maybe in Poland it's less severe, as in Pakistan he was threatened with death and that's why he left, while in Poland he's only looked down upon by his religious colleagues.

This map is so depressing to look at honestly.

Not really. There are a bunch of poor atheist countries and some rich religious ones too.

Bangladesh best desh

would you be willing to visit pakistan even though you know how we are?

nice. Masya'Allah. Alhamdulillah.

Literally nothing. She was acquitted.

>would you be willing to visit pakistan

I don't really travelling at all but I wouldn't mind visiting Pakistan, I'm sure you receive a lot of tourists from all of the world. And your fixation on religion doesn't bother me either as I'm used to it in Poland and I just know that I shouldn't stir up any conflicts and I'll be fine.

we dont
most of our foreign tourists are dual national pakistanis

can I kidnap a paki street boy 16 and below that looks whitish? where can I find one (as in which city)?

Russia is not religious in the slightest, if you don't count old women.

Don't rich people go to ski and climb mountains in Pakistan because of muh Himalaya and muh Hindu Kush?

Yes idk I don't have social networks

What a shithole