Your country

>your country
>what's your plan for the next 10 years

finish uni
get job
quit job after 2-3 years
prepare for masters' degree in sweden
get swedish gf
move to silicon valley
ask my brother to give me a job a google

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finish uni
get job

get an irish girl pregnant before my visa expires
already got a hoe pretty sure she's good for it

whats ur degree?

get op expelled from uni
get op fired
warn the swedish authorities about op
steal op's swedish girlfriend
buy all properties op is looking at in silicon valley
get op's brother fired from google

If you want to work in silicon valley, why don't you do your master's in California?

finish uni
get job
work work work for 20 - 25 years

Finish uni
Get job

Finish uni
Release albums
Make films
Travel and live in other parts of the world
Learn different languages
Maybe get a gf and have my cock sucked every night on my command

you dont need to graduate from california to work in silicon valley. it helps but not necessary. especially, since I'll have a degree from Canada and I don't need visa requirements.

Murder the Pope/Destroy Christianity

you probably should do your ms in the us

probably a Turk living in Italy

The average employer doesn't really know anything about foreign universities. A candidate from a known institution would get higher preference. Plus, you won't be able to build a web of contacts in California if you don't study there.

I have no plans or ambitions. I'm exactly at the same point I was when I finished high school and that was almost 10 years ago

based fellow 3rd worlder

>continue to get better at my job (IT-consultant, there is always new things I can learn, get certified)
>will then qualify for better pay
>get off grid cabin innawoods and maybe some land where I own the hunting rights
>continue to hunt and become a better hunter
>buy a 2016 model Hilux within 3 years
>get wife, kids and hunting dog

Finish biology undergrad: 3,5 years
Get a job if possible, if not go into a master's: 2 years
Marry russian gf, get her preggo and have 3 healthy kids
Keep climbing ranks and earn enough to own property and travel with family often between Russia and Colombia

Finish uni
With money I saved up from work and financial aid travel the world for 6 months to a year
Move to the country side (New England or up state New York).

Finish uni
Get into the army
Get a job
Rent a house in an uncomfy place
Get a dog

try to struggle out of neethood by going to uni
probably get depressed and miss classes and fall behind
want to kill myself
get sectioned
restart at step 1

finish uni
get job
buy two apartments
become a rentier
don't work ever again

drug binge until broke and homeless then suicide

>10 year plan
*Finish pharmacology education.
*Move from LA to Portland with gf and live for half the cost
*Save up money from $40 per hour position.
*Start shelter for soon to be euthanized dogs in a nearby rural area
*Buy small affordable properties and rent them out
*When I inherit my grandparents big house in a nice part of LA i'll convert the garage to a small back house and use it as a second home while renting out the big front house for $6k monthly+
*Use some money to buy cheap difficult to build on land in LA county
*Build container homes and affordable small housing for at risk groups
*Will basically be guaranteed constant income as there's a near permanent stream of people who need cheap housing in LA and i'll be helping people gain housing and thus an appreciating asset who would likely be unable to afford it otherwise
*Won't be a big deal if I make a ton of profit as I already make enough to support myself and me low cost lifestyle as is
*Spend the profit i do make travelling with gf and restoring old cars and flipping them.

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i really whant to start a nuclear war


>goto drug testing and get driving license back

Actually just a muslim and left-capitalist tourist.

Finish college
Go to university
Find good job I'll enjoy
Get pretty redhead gf
Have kids and marry pretty redhead gf

finish uni
get job
try not to kill self in this meaningless life

finish uni
get masters
get PhD
get tenure track professorship
if fail join military

finish uni
get a job
make it through the inevitable existential crisis period where I realise this is it for the rest of my life and I don't even care about the money anymore
do a bunch hallucinagenic drugs when I'm old enough to not care about my health
euthanize myself if I make it a day past 70

finish uni
get office cuck job
become lawyer
get office cuck job
get thai wife at age 55 if i dont have a wife by then and become a racist facebook boomer
murder suicide


Finish degree
Get masters in either a foreign country or on a distant city
Settle down with some hoe
Enjoy financial prosperity
Live comfy live in the country side
Start a collection of watches and firearms