Watch McMansion get built

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As much as I hate faggot retarded ameriniggers I have to give it to them for revolutionising mass production of utter shit.

none of them use a protective helmet, wtf

p>lywood for a subfloor
what is stopping some fat american falling through it?

That house is significantly cheaper in the states than it would be in euroshitland.

That's just one way to do it.

why are american kitchens always so fucking ugly looking

What an ugly fucking house. Why do Americans hate architecture?

why don't europeans have yards? do you hate trees?

We have no culture when it comes with architecture so we build blobs from scratch. Just whatever's first on the mind.

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>anericans live in shack covered with fancy stones

americans never favoured wider single story houses?

You see a ton of those minimal cape cod houses from after the vietnam war in my state.
Apparently the government built them for veteran housing.

Ranch style is American

Yeah Im not sure where this is but that's not kosher. Even the illegal construction workers here in NYC wear them.

what's wrong with this? My parent's house was built that way

> muh house needs to be unique

it really needs to be unique and drawn by architecht

its cool to watc

Craftsman is /comfy/

Pretty cool; houses take forever to be built over here.


>Huffing, puffin, blow your house in.

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its much cheaper because a consturction like this in euroland would probably not be legal due to how retarded it is

although the house looks ugly, the construction process looks perfectly fine