Hell friends of Jow Forums Let's discuss a country of the day

Hell friends of Jow Forums Let's discuss a country of the day.

Today's country is: The United States Of America

Discuss your favorite things about America in this format

>Highest Obesity rate in the first world
>Most racially diverse nation in the first world
>More people of African descent than the total population of many European countries
>Often war like. Spending trillions of their own money to overthrow legitamate governments and replace them with short lived dictatorial puppet government that is overthrown by an anti-american demagogue who will remain a thorn in americas side for decades to come

What is your favorite thing about america?

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Probably their optimist nature and friendly attitude.

>Today's country is:

every day you obsess over us

I love being able to walk outside and see nothing but vehicles! It's fantastic how we're so advanced that nobody bothers to walk outside or ever has to expose themselves to the elements. Warm outside? Turn on the air-conditioning--no use rolling down the window and having to hear a loud noise!

Need to go to the store across the road? Better take the car, because there's no sidewalk and a fence through the median, because city-planners knew that nobody likes to use their legs for locomotion.

this. I don't understand all the hate to those people, all of them I've met were nice people

cringe passive aggressiveness

Indeed. That can do attitude that fostered the 1954 coup which effectively crushed any hope your nation had of joining the civilized world was outstanding!
Not at all user. Think of it like a dart board. But instead it's countries. Some are fatter than others so get hit more often.
Indeed. Hating Americans is wrong. They're a great nation that has given us great things, for example. Did you know that the Americans dropped nuclear weapons on defenseless civilians for the sole purpose of scaring the soviets? An air burst as suggested by the generals at the time would have been just as effective and not lethal! Fortunate the wise politician of America chose instead to commit the greatest war crime in modern history!

Same. We get a ton of charity workers from them here, and they truly seem to care about helping. Backpackers are nice too. Maybe I just do not see the same americans as the euros?

tbqh I get autistically angry about how bad our urban planning is. I also don't think Americans are friendly, unless you're comparing us to Western Europeans.

Having said that, life here is pretty easy.

>Hating Americans is wrong
>starts an America hate thread

nothing about this thread is hateful. this is a chance for people of all nations to come together and discuss/learn from the peoples of the nation of the day. tomorrow might be Portugal or Germany or maybe even one of the many south american countries america destroyed in order to get cheaper bananas.

Dude reducing a country to a single coup is reductive. We did plenty fine messing ourselves up too thanks.
Also why hate americans for a government action?

what can they learn here that hasn't been discussed about us hundreds of times?

>why hate americans
it makes for the most active threads on Jow Forums

Very interesting point, but I think you'd understand why peoples are held responsible for their government if America hadn't squashed your countries attempt at setting up a democracy!
By that logic we should delete Jow Forums. Experiences are always evolving. Exchanging ideas is healthy. Health is important user. Please take care of yours....your countries lifespan is dismal

>By that logic we should delete Jow Forums
no loss just america obsession threads and generals

Hmm you make a good point. What if, and this is radical, instead of deleting Jow Forums we just range banned Americans. Then you wouldn't have to deal with any obsessive Euros who didn't worship you for your glorious girth?

all governments are evil, I'm talking about about regular people here
well I guess the ones who'd want to come into our countries hardly represent the average American.

sticky an america obsession general

>all governments are evil
What an absolutely retarded thing to think

just ours of course

Yeah, that's true. I've traveled to about 40 countries. Outside of Western Europe and parts of Latin America, you mostly only come across educated, liberal-ish Americans. Like, I've never met a Trump supporter in India or Egypt.

Of course not. Your government might be incompetent fat idiots incapable of thinking past the immediate self serving goals of their overweight abomination of a people, but they're not evil. Evil doesn't exist user. No one gets out of bed and thinks "i'm going to be evil" they always think what they're doing is best in some way.

>rangeban amercians on an american imageboard
What if, and this is radical, instead of deleting Jow Forums we just range ban bulgarians. That way they have the incentive to create their own website free of american posters.

where the fuck is this thread supposed to go?

A friendly discussion about american and its cultural impact on the world of course

This thread is a perfect example of why Jow Forums is so slow now

>friendly discussion
fuck off, that never happens when you obsess over us all day every day

I'm not even thinking about you right now at this moment.

god damn you're an idiot

GREAT in many ways but lacking self awareness in others. Exceptionalism and superiority are dangerous ideas for any country to adopt. Consequently, America has done much harm. Love the people in general but also a strange political culture.

they are though: some are less, some are more. Not because people in power are necessarily greedy and bad, but because they are forced to sacrifice some stuff to gain some other stuff. On that note, small country's govs are better organized and make less worse to earth than superpowers like USA or USSR.

Wow user, that's not how you foster civil discourse.

>less worse
fuck I'm an idiot. Meant that they make far less damage.

>What is your favorite thing about america?
