Your country passes the law on compulsory military service for men aged 18 to 27 years...

Your country passes the law on compulsory military service for men aged 18 to 27 years. Only seriously ill patients and disabled people are exempted from conscription.
Your actions when?
Will you try to avoid it?

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I'm legally disabled.

I'm a female (biological male), so yeah.
I'm not a man.

Already been through it, aint so bad.

I am boomer. Male zoomers gonna eat a bulled in some filthy ditch while my duty shall be ensuring the continuation of the nation with female zoomers.

No I join. Probably do me some good

Only if it’s to kill Achmed the Goat Herder instead of larping as a Finn but with a burger and vodka instead of just vodka.

>Will you try to avoid it?
why? I would learn something, get in shape for some time, and if NATO is near, i take pictures, collect data about them and send it to the Russian government page, probably end up stealing copper and fuel from them, fuck them they have insurance

We already had that. Solution:
>go to the service centre
>inform them that you'll opt for civil service
>at the civil service centre, complain to the doctor that you can't sleep because you hate to be there
>get sick leaves and do fuck all
>get a service spot in a school
>spend a year there reading loli hentai and doing fuck all

How it went for me anyway. Could have been exempted from service, but I didn't want that since it could have closed some doors.

would move to a country which doesn't do this

I already avoided conscription
I would just ignore it again

I'm 30.

I'm legally disabled so kek, doesn't matter.

There's already a mandatory military service in my cunt although you can choose between that and a civic service, which saves the government a few billions a year.
Military service is pretty much useless as in a state of war you'd probably just be cannon fodder. Sometimes our soldiers are useful in extreme weather emergencies but that's it since for our army it's illegal to militarily operate within Austria.

>18 to 27 years
I'm safe, turning 28 next week.

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According to the doctors I'm considered "unstable" and mentally ill so I don't think I have to worry about it.

there's already conscription here for all the men except the disabled etc so

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You forgot to mention "bullying" in army. Lack of combat training. And spending most of your time as a brainless animal.

>Your actions when?
Nothing, I'm 141 kg.
I'll just sit here. What the fuck are they gonna do?

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I'm 26 so I don't mind. Zoomers are fucked though kek

Cut off your welfare payments.

Welp, i have a knee arthroplasty and a thendorhaphya on my right hand. Furthermore I am obese and mentally unstable.
If it wasn't for the fact that I'm a medic I'd say I'd be good cannon fodder, so I'd pretend myself into conscription and then run the hell out.

Don't have any, I work from home.

I'm 29, so I'm fine. I'd be worried about my younger brother, though.

I'd just have fun with it, try to get into the paratroopers.
Are you guys betas or something?

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This, basically.

I got diagnosed with ADHD 2 weeks ago and am physically disabled from an accident so I won't get the chance to run up to a Russian prisoner of war and put a bullet between his eyes

Too old, suck my dick.

Maybe it's fun in a warm country but here the military means sitting around in -30 C for 5-6 months and then another 2-3 months with rain and north winds.
I've been through it already, fuck that.

I already "did" my military service, so nothing.

I bribe a doctor to get diagnosed with whatever, duh. You already know how this works, Sasha.

Fags aren't allowed, so yeah.

Too old, sorry zoomers

Gee whiz, sounds as if I’ve just come down with a disability

I don't understand why more people don't pretend to be gay to get out of it?

>to 27 years.
I'm safe

I wanted to join the army anyway, but couldn't because of back problems.

No I'll sign up, although I turn 28 in April. I'd still sign up though. Britain stronk.

Maybe a draft commission have a big muscular guy to CHECK them.

I would refuse and choose to go to jail or go off the grid if they tried to force me. I'm not dying to protect old wh*Toids, j*Woids, and f*Moids. If they want a war they can fight it themselves.

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I'm 25 btw.

well, i'm autistic, so that means i'm disabled and as such am exempt from mandatory military service

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Im too depressed to be conscripted.

Because being gay gets you the death penalty in russia, you retard.

I already server and I have a positive outlook on conscription. I was motivated to go and do something else than school, plus patriotism.

I'd count you as disabled, because you're physically unable to perform adequately.

I'm 30 and when I was 18 and had to show up for mandatory mustering back then, I was too fat (and still am).

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fetti was geht


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Wtf??! why not 25-40? Arent 19-22 commit most murder anywhere in the world? Or i read the graph wrong.

Some of us do, my friend pretended to be a tranny to get off army, though he still takes HRT for some reason.

I work in a role where I wouldn't be called up.


>tfw told psychiatrist that I'm gay
>she was some ancient boomer granny who went berserk and started ranting about broken generation we need stalin and stuff
>literally threw me out of the medical inspection center with shouts
>mfw never worried about army ever since

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Nice. subtle.

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>Will you try to avoid it?
Nah. It sounds kinda nice and like a good personal experience to built yourself from.

I mean physically I wouldn't be able to cope, but I guess that's part of the training as well if they forced everyone to attend.

aгa, нy мeня пoтoм eщё yчacткoвый пac пocтoяннo, нo я вce paвнo y бaбyшки нe пo пpoпиcкe жил, тaк чтo пoхyй былo. Aлco y мeня пaтлы были и тoннeль нa пpaвoм yхe

Been there, done that.

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>aged 18 to 27 years
>Will you try to avoid it?
I'm 30.

I'd go to my voenkomat with the povestka, told them that I'm a pidor and go to hui.


I wouldn't mind

I already served conscription here

doing this right now, it fucking sucks and i still have 224 days to go.

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I would go. It might help me improve my discipline and I might help me make some other friends.


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I would go. It might kill me and end my suffering.

If i was straight out of high school I'd go. Now i wouldnt even consider it since i have a pretty serious job.

I'm 30, also I'm a consciencious objector, have completed my replacement civil service and have a confirmation that I can never be drafted for active duty.

We have it and since I'm a heterosexual I served my 362 in infantry.

I've already served.I've seen shit all of you pussyfags would cry themselves to death.
I've pointed gun at shitskins I arrested on the borders. They behaved like women in heat, who's bad?
I'm a fucking bad.

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fuck you're bad i wouldnt fuck with you man

Take your frustration out on the next arrival group

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I dont want to move a single finger for this shitty nation, I would simply try to avoid it.

This used to be a thing here until 30 years ago and people would just pretend to be extremely retarded or a fag. Or, later on, pick up the civil service option.

I already tried to join the military as I thought it would help me change for the better, my parents even managed to establish contact with a director there who would've helped me get in if not for my medical past and tests that proved me psychically unstable to join the military

Hey man chill we good allright?

muh flat feet

too old

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Dab on 'em with university education

I'd try to avoid it. The modern Polish state is not for the Polish nation anymore. If our political situation was different I would probably like the idea because I always viewed a military career as an option for myself. My grandpa was in the honor guard back in the commie days and I'd probably apply for a representative position as well. My height and body build are basically perfect for it.

Does being deaf in my right ear count as disabled? idgaf, sign me up. Maybe I'll get lucky and die in war

Hell no, I won’t go.


Fuck no

Fuck off to south america or africa. I'm sure I can find a job with an engineering degrer there.

I think conscription is a bad idea, people that don't want to be there won't make for good troops.

Who would you say has the best army of conscripts?

From what I've seen I'd say South Korea.

Unironically considering that oprtion rn desu


I'd be perfectly fine :^)

yeah i feel pretty bummed about skipping conscription when i turned 18

Being underage is against the rules.

wow color me surpised, all the soyboy virgins of Jow Forums are afraid of conscription

Does partial colorblindness, hearing loss in one ear, depression, anxiety, and possible mild autism count as a disability?

Hearing loss in one ear is a discharge i'm pretty sure

Oh boy 60 days till it begins

I dodged it by being obese

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Hearing loss disqualifies you from the military unless you get a waiver.
The rest is fine.

>compulsory military service for men
I'm female, so I'm safe.

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Everyone must enlist in the army, the only exception are handicap people, even transgenders must enlist if they are born as man, but only a tiny fraction are recruited. They have your data to call you in case of war. If don't show up you are arrested, desertion is crime.

Most poor kids (for the money) and patriotic nuts want to serve, it is very rare for someone who doesn't want to be recruited.

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Thank goodness. I have a habit of asking too many questions, questioning authorities, and being a pathological humanitarian, and I doubt any of those would go well.