Why are Catholic countries characterized by gang violence, a lack of education, and sexual promiscuity?

Why are Catholic countries characterized by gang violence, a lack of education, and sexual promiscuity?

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Because catholic culture is about being a chad

They aren't pagan like us protestants.

Because catholic culture is about being a rapist with pedo tendencies

didn't know Austria and Germany were characterized by gang violence and lack of education
the sexual promiscuity is well known, all that fisting porn didn't film itself after all

Nothing wrong with being a pedo.
Children are just sexy.

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Catholicism is the chad of religions.

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me on the left haha

Because catholic 3rd world countries were basically infiltrated by socialists which undermined the tradition of the catholic church. You thank this guy. Thank god he became mainstream and his doctrine is dying

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>Why is Latin America characterized by gang violence, a lack of education, and sexual promiscuity?
Fixed that for you

This actually. Family. Marriage. The pillars of society were undermined by marxists

Nah meds too


>"Family. Marriage."
>implying that most of these weren't modernist constructs like Marxism.


Spain has one of the lowest murder/violence rankings like top 5 or so i think and we are good on science
adding that we are the ones who christianized the world, i would say its not about religion

Med countries have less crime than the USA so...

That's only true in countries outside of Europe

Those concepts are older than Marxism. Family and marriage was the basis of human civilization since the beginning. Not modernist claptrap

Québec and New Brunswick are predominantly Catholic and both are extremely nice places.

>Sexual promiscuity
>Meanwhile American "women"

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Not even latin american countries m8, Chile and costa rica have reportedly less violence than the US. I'm sure that if Argentina, Urugay and even Peru were a little more developed they'll have less murder than cuckmerica

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>Costa Rica
Why is this so much safer than its neighbors?

There's no Catholic culture anymore.
It has been replaced by American degeneracy long ago, plus superstition.
I wish we could burn weebs at the stake, and that would happen if we were Catholic, but that not happening is the proof that we are not anymore.

46% of Africa and 85% of the Middle East have lower homicide rates than the USA.

Dunno what you are talking m8, plenty of catholics around here.

Maybe in cucklombian shitholes there's enough degeneracy, maybe that's how you got Escobar. But in Peru we are god-fearing people

i'm gonna have to ask you for those sources, retarded Peru.

What are you talking about? Costa Rica has a homicide rate of 11.9, higher than either Panama or Nicaragua, all 3 are higher than the USA, although Nicaragua isn't much higher

I looked at the United Nations Office on Drug's & Crime's homicide rate data in all 54 African countries and the 22 countries in the middle east. 24 of the African countries have a lower homicide rate and 1 or 2 have comprable rates.

Being Catholic is not just saying you believe in God and going to church once in a while, you know. Being Catholic nowadays, in terms of life style, is just like being and Evangelical but without renouncing to believing in the Virgin Mary and the Saints.

There might be bigger differences than Mary and the saints

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This is so strange.

God is probably very confused at the Burgers. I think Kierkegaard might have had it right.

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