I grew up in a little town north of the Portugal border
I grew up in a little town north of the Portugal border
And you are the one who will be the saviour of Galicia
Based and redpilled brother
I grew up in a little town south of the Kentucky border... things were simple. You tended the farm, raised the herd... and if anyone gave you shit? Son, you beat the fucker down. You were a man. And under that hot alabama sun you learned the values of christ, america, and manhood- the missisipi trio as my pop called it... may god bless his soul...
And a man like me? Well when we weren’t out hunting or at the bar? We watched sport. None of that pussy european shit- real sport, arizona sport. I’d get back home... hang up my duster, cold beer, my girl cooking some fineeee BBQ... and id watch muscular, toned black men. Sometimes they’d collide into each other, sometimes bounce a ball... but they were always fine specimens. I’d watch those darkies sweat and toil for hours... and I’ll admit my loins stirred more than once... called it the texas rise, heh... and when I watched those guys play, my mind... wandered. I imagined them taking my girl... like animals- hoo boy did that get me goin! I remember, in the 12th ad break of the NFL playoffs powered by mcdonalds I’m loving it, right after the arbys presents: the danger kick! I noticed my missus watching those stallions on screen... stroking that pussy of hers. And I tell you what... without a word I drove her down the city, philidelphia- my home- and she made love to every nigger in sight. I milked my johnson more than ever that night. So when you pussy europeans talk about sport... remember what REAL men play
Sounds based
Galicia will try its best!
thank you friends
Looks like rural areas here
comfy as fuck, looks like southern France
the weather is like southern france or ireland i guess
The minho river is not a border bro.
Reminder Portugal is from Galiza to Coimbra, not further south.
abaixo do douro TUDO mouro
NO. Our Center Portugal brothers can still be saved.
Portugal's northern border is the Atlantic, irmán.
You do know that all of the country was occupied right?
That looks like some damn fine hiking/hunting.
to me you are a fellow Portuguese, meu IRMÃO
No, since portuguese people live in the south. They just moved from north to south after the reconquista.
moors got their ass kicked in Portugal, not sure about that on galicia
portugal was galicia so...
Are you a moortuguese?
You were the weak side pal, you have choosen your path , without glory or achievments... portuguese history speaks for itself, We are the same people, but like i've said have chosen your path without us.
>la creatura projecting
El morotugues....
If he is a moortuguese he is indeed one people but he would have to be a sephardic or moor convert
try harder subhuman
You are brown and sephardic??
No,i'm not like you.. creatura
I grew up near a pond where I use to go fishing
Not native Iberian but A moor immigrant, I know.
Eventually we will trace you moors straight to Africa.
try harder la creatura
lmao you have a city called panties?
Pára de postar mouro do caralho, vai responder a baits fora da minha thread. Atrasado mental.
Lida imigrante
isto aqui é outra história filho da puta
morte aos traidores
Se há algum traidor aqui, és tu, centralista de merda.
Yeah I know I heard they hate that joke :^) Anyway you shouldn't fight Portugal is all beautiful North and South
Em que medida é que eu defendo qualquer espécie de centralismo oh filhodaputa? eu provavelmente sou mais de longe de Lisboa que tu pedaço de merda.Para ser contra isso não preciso de mentir sobre parte do meu país ou sequer tentar enxovalhar parte do meu povo para inglês ver. Viva Portugal
Tá calado, aposto que és de uma cidade grande monte de esterco.
sim sou do Porto (de perto) seu flho da puta traidor
portugal is better
Looks literally like Sweden.
could be
Northern Spain looks pretty comfy in general.
Buon Poste
Moortugal belongs in angola morocco and congo
brazilian monkeys projecting is just epic, better than the american.mutts
Sorry r these identitarians or refugees? :)
makes sense apezilian
t. morenazi
yes, he is white (med), more or less like this scottish mate
That's pt comandos or rangers?
>portuguese marines
Agreed, he's white as Osama Bin Laden
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
scots and portuguese genetically cluster with other whites. Osaama as a saudi would cluster with saudi and arabs.
get a clue
>race obsessed autists ruining my thread
Portuguese-Spanish land swap when?