Why are Euros so based?

Why are Euros so based?

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One of my relatives had half his face burned in a lab accident.

He has travelled all around the world and was never inconvenienced by his scared face.

Until a Russian lady tried to get him kicked out of a restaurant in Paris because "he made her uncomfortable". Luckily she was the one that had to leave because the restaurant owner refused to pick him out.

>have argument with american
>get assmad
why are euros so butthurt

fuck amerisharts

based as fuck

death to amerimuttland

If they give them the table near the entrance door they didn't respect them too.

im a dumb fat american and i find europe offensive
how dare those medieval european castles not have elevators? ughh i hate those european healthist ableist heart-attack-ist architecture!
europeans are RACIST toward fat people! european cities are literally built for walking, THIS IS A THIN PRIVILEGE

Glad I went to Europe when Obama was president. I got treated great just because my president was black lmao
Why do Europeans love blacks so much?

Shhh be quiet or they will bomb you while funding Jihadist rape and murder of Serbian women and children ... exactly like they did in the 90s.

desu we're America's biggest dicksuckers over here and even we are starting to get fed up with them since the whole trump thing.
that was just the tipping point tho, it's about more than that. america just doesn't feel like the badass defender of the west and innovator/land of freedom and opportunity of the world ever since Bush pretty much, arguably even earlier.

plus there's something about reading every day on the news about the americans' latest stupidity (shooting each other at school, denying climate change, anti-vaccination, etc) that just makes the whole country look really fucking goofy. I think that's it, really, America has been losing a lot of its prestige these past twenty years.

we expect tips from americans

pay tips or get out

we were just happy to not have to deal with bush anymore

oh I should point out, we're still highly supportive of 'murrica but it's not the same as it was back in the 90s or so. we're mostly content because its policies and generosity towards us suits us, but culturally it's losing its prestige.

Shoo shoo schlomo

All the reasons we Europeans hate America can be sourced back to Jews and Israel.

>starting to get fed up with them since the whole trump thing.
why, I thought he was one of /yourguy/?

>we're mostly content because its policies and generosity towards us suits us, but culturally it's losing its prestige.

LMAO literally ungrateful parasites. Americans like Trump are the only reason you haven't been slaughtered yet.

because europeans are literal communists and a bunch of morons
i love the usa, i love donald trump, i love guns, i love liberty
fuck commies and fuck the eu


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His policies are supposedly to our advantage, but it's more of a cultural rift that I'm talking about, America just doesn't sound like that amazing foreign superpower/watchman, it's more of a stupid country with more guns and soldiers than it knows what to do with.
Israelis definitely don't support Republican ideas, we just like that they're handing us what we want. But Israel is way more socialist than these guys think, apparently.

>cadyk fed up with his own golem

Do they treat British people ok still? I have no money to travel so can't find out myself

You'd think sitting on top of about a hundred warheads would be a sufficient deterrent. Is this what they teach in Arab Fantasy classes? I'll remind you that America did not interfere until about the 70s here, the Arabs were sent packing numerous times by then... shieeet dude they had this land conquered under their noses by a bunch of Holocaust survivors and other European refugees, that's pretty pathetic.

mfw ive been doing this for 8 years now

Yeah, America is decadent, but not for the reasons conservatives think.

The Ummah was weak back then. Now even strong highly developed Muslim countries like Turkey and Malaysia want to destroy Israel.

we're probably the biggest US dick suckers in Europe and I agree that they're not seen as a prestigious vanguard of liberty and prosperity, more like bumbling idiots who think free health care is communism

Wait a minute.... this poster...

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yeah because i sure love paying taxes for all the billions of retarded niggers with aids
fuck healthcare
when i become leader of europe i will finally abolish :
-social housing
-unemployment benefits
-schooling grants
-familial allocations
-cultural grants
-public schooling in general
-public hospitals too
-public transportation
that's right, fuck all of you commies

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Hope you're enjoying your vacation, Cletus Smith.

j'adore bolsonaro aussi, il a complètement raison sur les nègres et les indiens et les pds et les trans et compagnie
il va purger la crasse judéo-marxiste et tu peux littéralement RIEN y faire fdp
heil bolsonaro

Dont ever fucking speak for another person outside your inbred pigsty, daneshit

American tourists are even bigger shitheads than the Chinese. They're like helpless pre-schoolers. I once waited in line for half an hour in Prague because the fat murrican tourist kept asking the 7 day weather forecast of every czech town.

get fucked mutts

he's a leaf

Lol your gdp per capita is lower than Botswana

fucking b a s e d
amerimutt apartheid in europe soon

Based racist Austrians.

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uh oh, the natives are getting restless

je suis 100% français, demande-moi une preuve si tu veux
désolé si ça te fait mal au cul si y a des français qui osent aller contre la pensée unique et qui trouvent que tout les branleurs qui répètent à longueur de journée "oh la la trump c'est un facho ca fait peur" eh bah c'est des branleurs mais c'est comme ça
les usa sont dans une bien meilleure position que nous, ils sont pas envahis de nègres, ils ont plus d'argent, ils vivent pas dans une dictature socialiste, ils ont le droit de porter des armes et même celui de les utiliser pour se défendre ... bref ils s'en sortent mille fois mieux

d'ailleurs je suis convaincu que tout ce mal au cul anti-américain c'est de la pure jalousie, justement parce que les français savent que les américains ont un futur alors que l'afrance est déjà morte, c'est un putain de trou à rat du tiers monde, et d'ailleurs la suisse est pas loin derrière

Why do Muslims lie so easily?


It's in the quran that they can/should lie if it's to "promote islam"
And it's not a sin to lie to non-believers
Expect muslims to lie ALL the time