Post ur cunt's airforce.
Post ur cunt's airforce
Are German helicopters good?
no they tend to crash
How much?
one heli crashed last year in Mali
sure looks good.
we have a cliché fleet of F-16s
If the pilots lived then it's not bad.
both died
Oh well, shit...
What about those Mirages?
What does it say on the side?
Alexander Novikov, soviet air force chief
Yes, for jousting on the sky :^)
So they all have different names or heroes?
Yes, all TU-160 have their own names
They named after famous pilots or plane engineers
That's a nice touch.
Kuznetsov is a plane engineer?
>"En dan hebben we hier die zogenaamde f-35 die we van de amerikanen gekocht hebben"
Would this still be useful today or stallites just ruined all the fun?
it would be useful in a peer vs peer engagement because it's a lot harder to shoot down than a satellite, but other than that its just to expensive to justify using it today unfortunately.
I guess the closest thing of the SR-71 that still runs today is the Mig-31. Which still a lot more cheaper to operate.
We still fly U-2's, so its not all bad.
Operational or just testing stuff?
operationally, Wikipedia says they just had a mission this year mapping a forest fire, who knows how much spying they do though
So allegedly is more meterological reasons and research.
NASA actually owns some to do that, the US airforce actually just indefinitely postponed their retirement this year, so they are getting some use out of them.
It's actually nice seeing those old cold-war era planes still being used, even though it's not for the same puposes as they had in the past. Wish it was the same case with the SR-71.
it was a golden age of aeronautics, maybe when china rises we will be incentivised to make real ground-breaking machines again.
Like i said, satelites ruined the fun and i doubt that both countries will go full madmen like it was back in the cold war.
The carrier was named after him ?
Freedom, motherfuckers.
It's gonna be replaced, so will Freedom die?
You're from Equator?
Saw a fighter's air to ground canon pass last week. Surely not as noisy as the A-10 but still the BRRRRT tho
The cruiser was named after Admiral Kuznetsov
Tomcat is better.
>Syrian flag
A nod to the previous owners
nice plane tho
What's ironic ?
It was actually a trash plane the Czechs Jewd us with shit engines
So that's stolen basically.
Nah it was freely given to us
that you used an aircraft designed, built and used by Nazi Germany
also nice digits btw
Non-existent, its a absolute joke that the retards in Berlin act like our airforce is like the core part of NATO.
Why tho? What happened?
BTW yeah iaf shot down more ruskkienigger planes in 3 minutes then USA did in the entire cold war
Obviously the original intent was to get it for israel eventually, why you think the Jewish Nazi paramilitaries in Israel we're so strong .
IIRC, in case of the eurofighters:
It had some malfunction on the pods on the tip of either side of the wing. The manufacturer of a major part of it went bankrupt, while the airforce thought of having no spare-parts in cases such as these was a good idea.
Technology-wise our cunt has no technical advancements anymore, as the manufacturers are only thinking about exporting it to the middle-east. They think a military is not important anyway, since the west-east border went eastwards to the Baltics, Poland and Ukraine.
Millitary industry should be government owned and supported . Allowing industries critical to your country's defense to fail is basically having a death wish .
You're lucky you didn't get invaded , an entire airforce grounded is a perfect opportunity.
But can't the other partners of the project give support?
>Allowing industries critical to your country's defense to fail is basically having a death wish .
>having a death wish
You dont know the government of the flag you are replying to, do you?
Our technology is partly kept in that of the 70s or 80s m8. Nothing is gonna help there. The French were coproducing some of the new equipment, but I doubt they would want to arm us anyway.
>pls no bully
These Frenco-Germanic shenanigans you guys have are pretty costly to your air power. Just do it like Iran and assemble yourselves kek.
That's for training only right ?
I was under the impression you guys were doing okay financially , having an underfunded army seems retarded.
>assemble yourselves
we could, quite easily
but obviously our government isn't exactly worried about our security
welfare for millions of foreigners doesn't pay itself, you know
One was developed in the early 60ss, the other one in the mid 70s, obviously it's better
Meh, just wait till the usual "Russian sniffing" on your backs that they'll wake up really quick.
>That's for training only right ?
no ;_;
I meant on the aesthetic side of things, but yeah same.
If they really keep pushing the idea of the """European army""", then they may do something. The Lefties obviously want spend less and less, even though its already absolute horseshit. The same with marines, we have an absolute number of ZERO submarines right now that are in service, because hell why not.
>you guys were doing okay financially
Well they have to spend it more and more on social welfare and so on you know?
They might call for it though, to squeeze out more taxes out of the wagecucks that are still believing in security and shit, but I doubt they will use it for new equipment and not on some retarded plans in simple order to burn money.
Idk if this "euro army" thing would work.
It's different languagues, different costumes, different doctrines, equipment, different everything.
NATO is already pretty standardized desu
I think the differences wouldn't be that much of an issue
rather the member states' willingness to give up their security apparatus to another institution
How are you gonna defend yourself when the angloniggers invade ?
It's just the krauts trying to make the axis forces 2.0 . Shit won't work
One thing is a coalition/alliance, now merging all of those into one is completely different. It's gonna take a LONG time until everything is standarized.
>It's just the krauts trying to make the axis forces 2.0 . Shit won't work
>hehe le EU = 4th Reich meme
It will probably be used internally like the "Yugoslav army" during the wars in the 90s, in order to forcefully keep the EU-empire together.
So it's bound to fail anyways lol
Sure, but why not give the Antifa-loving urbanite cucks and the 68-boomers some wet dream?
How come we make the most beautiful planes ? Is it a cultural thing ?
Not to mention that it's essentially a coup . The moment your country has no army of it's own you've basically been conquered by a foreign power
>EU army comes in
>"we big boy now"
>gets sandwiched by US and Russia
I could see it happening.
Yeah, also i can imagine the frustration of some baltic soldiers having to go all the way to Spain just because some morrocan or any other african nation there are flinging shit with the spanish.
Might as well crash the continent soon enough desu.
Yeah, just keep NATO and fix the problems that it has, it's for the best.
Nah that's not really an issue , you only mass mobilize in case of a major war . They moved fucktons of people and gear from the fucking Chinese border all the way to Moscow to BTFO the krauts in ww2