How CAN I know if I'm retarded or not?

How CAN I know if I'm retarded or not?

Attached: 1541547623588.jpg (236x312, 31K)

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IQ tests

I have to administer the retard test

what does that mean?

I believe, legally, anyone below 80 IQ pts is considered retarded (or was it 60?) I don't honestly remember, but it's at the point where you're below a Chimp's IQ (which Australian Abos happen to be, kek)

> Chimp's IQ
>which Australian Abos happen to be
none of that is scientific and you're an idiot
Chimps dont have IQs, there's no such thing

You can certainly ascertain that they "do", or measure their coefficient.

How do you even force a monkey to undergo an IQ test?

u r not better than me
at least I'm Egyptian

>or measure their coefficient.
you cant IQ test a monkey m8
not in the same way you test human intelligence
and anything outside of that is just an inaccurate estimation

singles and u have 56 IQ

memory test=/=IQ test

It's still a way to a go at how "intelligent" the creatures are.


Monkeys > you

Ok user
Measure the length of your penis from anus to the tip
Tell me when you're done and I'll tell you the next step

You can't we're all retardeds

Attached: Khalid_Shaikh_Mohammed_after_capture.jpg (230x150, 8K)

23 cm

According to my chart right here, you definitively retarded

so I must CUT it?

The fact that you think believed that there was a correlation and actually checked means you're a genuine retard


Every single person on Jow Forums is retarded no smart person would consider spending time here and i'm 100% serious
