Admit it

admit it
you brows the shithole called r_europe, why do i see then pictures and posts reposted by yurotrash soymen here on a daily basis
and its actually better than the cesspit called /*Nt/

Attached: r europe.png (659x639, 437K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I dont even use r*Ddit

Jow Forums is for the r/europe rejects

I am talking about yurotrash, who actually manage to outperform you koala shagger in every possible metric, they are superior
fuck you
funny because i am a Jow Forumseurope reject

Why would anyone subject themselves to such torture

you get so defensive yet you don't like them, alright then

I legitimately do not have a reddit account and literally only use it when im googling shit for tech issues and the top results are on reddit
I highly dislike the website layout and dont like how the visible built in feedback system fosters hivemind opinions

Attached: popular social networks rank 2.png (1024x722, 374K)

you have to go back

Jow Forums is way way better XD

dont talk to me

brought to you by the friendly Volga german from your neigbourhood :-)

i lurk there when i'm looking for product recommendations

t. roastie

Jow Forums is not good (at least modern Jow Forums) but it's still leaps and bounds better than reddit, as is every other traditional forum or discussion board, simply by virtue of not having upvotes and down votes

It is. Its not even close

>) but it's still leaps and bounds better than reddit, as is every other traditional forum or discussion board, simply by virtue of not having upvotes and down votes
imagine being this deluded
yes Jow Forums serves its place for shitposting, but actual and insightful discussion?
no way
reddit may not be the best place either, but it is still miles ahead and superior to the cesspit here

>and literally only use it when im googling shit for tech issues and the top results are on reddit
Yeah, reddit usually shows up in the top three or four results when searching for technical or more niche English language shit. That and the various stackoverflow/stackexchange type websites.
Good for answers but fuck me if those sites are useful to search for anything internally. Reddit is a minefield where clicking on anything has a one in three chance of sending you off to some random unrelated website.
I'm glad there are enough knowledgeable autists out there who populate these sites so I don't have to.

Nothing better for discussion than a system that automatically hides unpopular opinions.

the worst are screencaps taken of news articles posted directly on the front page or Jow Forumseurope or whatever

Yeah but you can clearly see that even without Karma, people won’t have independent thinking.
Take Jow Forums as a very good example of that.
Literally just one giant hive mind.
Sure, Jow Forums is better then Reddit but I mean it’s not perfect.

Why be here if you hate it?

Attached: 1451303555032.jpg (686x576, 37K)

Jow Forumseurope is different though

stack overflow is way fucking better in general for that sort of thing, especially for me when I'm looking for help with maths and physics. Reddit is more of a pile of shit which occasionally contains a diamond. I used to use it but it's just a bunch of hivemind crap on there.

because im stuck here forever, also i am misanthropic

People do have independent thinking, here and everywhere. But like every community, people with similar opinions get together. The difference is that traditional boards allow opinions that goes against the hivemind (in fact you could say Jow Forums even encourages it since half the point of posting is getting people riled up) while websites like reddit automatically hide it

I was once looking for a solution to a problem I was having with kodi (xbmc at the time) and someone on reddit had my exact problem. it was literally the only thing I could find with my problem in particular
The people in the thread refused to answer his question because they took the time to go onto his profile and look at his post history and saw that he was a pirate. The irony that 99% of practical use of xbmc was piracy related was completely lost to them.

Fuck reddit. any website where people can see any posts you have made and have the power to completely strawman/insult you for your hobbies or beliefs that have nothing to do with the topic has zero chance that truly honest and serious discussion will take place. There will always be people holding back and being dishonest for fear of not being upvoted and their posts rendered all but invisible to the vast majority of people

>post history
lmao, fuck that noise.

This is also a good point but the bad side is that not having a "reputation" to maintain encourages endless shitposting and trolling and general stupidity.

I’m pretty positive that any edgy post immediately gets “fpbp or /thread” even if it has nothing to do with the thread.
You are thinking of a different Jow Forums before it was politicized by gamer gate.

Jow Forums is unironically less of a hivemind than any of reddits political boards. You can go to Jow Forumss catalog right now and see threads that go directly against Jow Forums groupthink being displayed on the same level as their regular threads. You can hate the board all you want but your thread isnt going to be downvoted into nonexistence regardless of what you post

I have no clue what any of that means. So maybe you're right, I haven't browsed Jow Forums actively since robot unicorn attack

>Fuck reddit. any website where people can see any posts you have made and have the power to completely strawman/insult you for your hobbies or beliefs that have nothing to do with the topic has zero chance that truly honest and serious discussion will take place. There will always be people holding back and being dishonest for fear of not being upvoted and their posts rendered all but invisible to the vast majority of people
this is the way of the future unfortunately. Jow Forums is one of the last surviving bastions of relative anonymity

You are right, it’s gonna be saged.
I don’t hate the board because of it’s positions.
I hate it because it’s so good at ruining the culture of Jow Forums.

>yes Jow Forums serves its place for shitposting, but actual and insightful discussion? no way
Gee, I sure wonder how it got this way, you retarded nigger.
Stay in your own shithole.

>its gonna be saged
most people dont even know that this function even exists anymore. It may as well been completely removed when it was changed to not be visible
there is literally a thread about the over sensitivity of white people on the front page of Jow Forums right now. It has ~150 posts
Its a blatant troll thread and also one that goes counter to what Jow Forums is likely to believe and yet its still up and is displayed alongside the trump general and something about secret societies ran by jews.
This would not happen on any reddit board. If anything was posted that upset their groupthink the thread would be shut down instantly because thats how the website is designed. This isnt a good thing

finland nigger
open your eyes, slanty

I wouldn't call blatant troll threads a good thing either, but that mostly has to do with the userbase of Jow Forums (and Jow Forums as a whole) being total retards

They banned me because of hate speech
>i called a german a Kraut as a joke
Agenda pushing
>I jokingly said "ultra extreme 2000 right wing" and linked this satirical song
>i asked why jewish people always get the blame for things in society
>They're so unfamiliar with off-centre political opinions so they think its shitposting.

Perma banned, never going back.

its not just troll threads, its threads making a genuine attempt to discuss a topic from the point of view that isnt shared by the majority of the board. The point of the Jow Forums thing was just to show that even things that most people on the board dont agree with are able to be discussed. You cant have that on reddit because the website was designed to prevent it

>They banned me because of hate speech
i've been banned from every single communist/socialist subreddit lol

Attached: american psycho.gif (470x200, 1.92M)

See the ideal board would be one that banned any low effort posts.
It would just be one board where people could argue however they wanted to as long as they could back it up
But 90% of the threads on Jow Forums aren’t coherent.
Seriously, good threads get lost up in threads about e-celebs, BBC posting, trolling and troll conspiracy theories

>Seriously, good threads get lost up in threads about e-celebs, BBC posting, trolling and troll conspiracy theories
reminds me of int
go to europe, and you will experience discourse and exchange between different cultural spheres and nationalities without any race bait etc
yet people take the authority to call it a shithole

Vincenzo Cosenza is a fucking retard with his color choices. Yeah, let's use three shades of blue and two shades of brown, that'll help legibility.


Well yeah no shit, mods can make any board or forum good. But you can't depend on internet mods.

your country is shit colored
and mine is piss colored

r_europe is way better just because it has no permanent generals

r_europe is also better, because people there are not deluded to think that russian internet user are godsend saints

based and swedepilled my brother