Why don't you have a japanese gf yet?

Why don't you have a japanese gf yet?

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Who’s the motherfucker going around taking pictures of random schoolgirls?

too poor but tons of them live near me. I'm squandering a great opportunity.

Because I have a Japanese wife. However, she's abso-fucking-lutely insane. So there's that.

I already have a Korean gf.

Good question.

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the hero we need but dont deserve

How do I get one? There's plenty of east Asians in my city but I wouldn't know how to approach one

I dunno.

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like half of the full grown men in japan

>had a hot japanese chick fall in love with me on interpals but she had severe anger management issues
>wanted me to visit
>NOPE'd the fuck out of there
>she raged out and was baffled why she's always single

felt like I dodged an entire machine gun belt

>flip phones

my god that pic is a decade old least

unironically the entire population of japan does this

Japanese still use flip phones dude.

Yeah my wife is currently living with my parents (who I really hate they're terrible people) because she apparently had a very vivid dream I hit her. She's pretty superstitious and thinks it's "a sign".

She's been gone for like, 5 days now or something whatever I don't care she just wants me to chase after her as always. Gotta hold my ground I ain't putting up with that nonsense.

lmfao, that's hilarious.

Is it bad that I would have taken her up on that offer?

>playboy sign on the left girl's sock

I'm pretty damn thirsty and was tempted by how attractive and obsessed with me she was but I just couldn't handle her. She was that big of a pain in the ass. Someone like her being single is insane.

I'm working on it. I just need to learn all of the kanji, then the ladies will be hopping on my 4-incher.

I'm not good looking enough to get one.

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They've completely switched over to iPhones dude

>my wife
you fucked up. Don't make a kid, he/she doesn't deserve both of you guys stupidity.

That's a pornstar that had plastic surgery.
And she's ugly, can't believe she's even as popular as she is.


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Why do japanese schoolgirls have the legs of a short man?

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Come home, White man...

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Because they're tiny, dumbass.

holy shit japanese thighs are powerful

a person that is better than you.


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Spaniards are handsome

As someone who sees daily in court how domestic abuse no contact orders are handed out like candy and OFP and DANCO violations for things as simple as texting or waving send people to prison, fucking divorce her. Leave. She will fuck your life up bro. You don't know me but I promise she will ruin your life, you don't want to be on probation/offended registry for 10+ years over nonsense. Please user don't ruin your life for pussy.

I was talking about this They seem too muscular and fat. I thought japanese girls were more thin. These almost look like my legs.

ah yes... truly redpilled

Imagine the pain of being born in a different country from these cuties.
Then these cuties not existing outside of their own country.
Then not being able to make the trip to live in Japan.
Because the language is insanely hard to learn and I have a stupid monolingual American brain.
Also super expensive living besides the shitty countryside which is still expensive.
I'm just so fond of Japanese girls because they're shy and I like cute looking things. Opposed to the annoying whorish wannabe-socialite girls here at home.
I'm also a huge leg guy and Japanese thighs are so attractive to me.
Love how they're always wearing skirts even in cold weather.
Also I really like how straight and neat their hair is.
I love shorter and smaller girls just like the Japanese frame is.

I'm getting older and I won't be able to find love with the type of girl I really love.
It's excruciatingly painful.

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No thank you

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If I were handsome I would have a russian gf by now.

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