Eyes of/int/

Eyes of/int/

Attached: IMG_20181022_022531_326.jpg (1080x1350, 76K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Wish I had blue eyes.

Attached: IMG_701.jpg (1280x960, 172K)

Attached: Myeyes.jpg (1465x1427, 788K)

>another eye thread
how many did we have in the last 24 hours?

Green is based though

I guess it depend on how scarce they are
Green is rare here and Im sure its rare in cunts like Finland or Sweden where everyone is blue eyed

Lol they usually piss me off too but I feel like posting that pic

>Lol they usually piss me off too but I feel like posting that pic
they belong on /soc/, stinky french((man))
now get your mom some bbcs

^ - ^

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Attached: 35423.png (351x136, 81K)

Jean Chrétien
Pierre Trudeau.
Lucien Bouchard
Jean Charest
Giles Duceppe
René Lévesque

They are Jow Forumsrelated though
Go watch scat porn my germ friend

for you, data collector

Attached: eye.jpg (206x201, 11K)

Pretty cool.

How common are blue yes in Quebec %?

In order:
>very based and redpilled (meme tier)
>very cringe and bluepille (soy tier)
>meh tier
>autistic tier
>cringe tier
>very based, redpilled, educated, charismatic and well-expressed man

Based epicanthic fold

Hello brödūř

Attached: 20181110_235640.jpg (2592x1944, 1.32M)

Based and redpilled response

bushy eyebrow best eyebrow

How do you know all these politicians though

Good question. I think some user posted a map of canadian provinces by blue eye % and we were among the top but that might have been edited as I really dont recall the source. We are also higher than France, which isnt surprising considering the areas of France we come from

Attached: eyes.png (367x86, 71K)

be my gf/bf

Too much time on my hands

I like a girl rn so if you're her pls b my gf

Its quite chill to see an american interested in our history (idk if politician names count as history)

>tfw dad had great green eyes and my mom ruined it with brown eyes
if you look in person and better quality then you can tell they are just green eyes and the brown is like just some flecks that cover up most of the green. Looks yellowish in lighting from normal distance, brown otherwise pretty shitty. Also fat sorry

Attached: shit.jpg (1011x797, 416K)

sorry not a girl just want a trap gf (male)
same here except my mom has blue eyes and my sister got green eyes, i got my dads shit brown eyes

show full face mother fucking pussy

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My eyes close with flash

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Wow same with me. But I took a bit more brown.

there's also a fair amount of irish and scottish blood here

ugly chinktoid eyes ; ;

Attached: 1CA72FFA-63DD-4466-8FBC-A20CB67B1ACE.jpg (480x87, 12K)

why dont blackpipo post their eyes in these threads

Are you an actual girl?

as you can tell I am 100% KARA BOGA ok

I can post my eyes but there’s no real reason to post em.

>tfw only fuck/date women with green or blue eyes even though i have shitty hazel eyes
saving my future kid(s) from my suffering

Attached: 1.jpg (110x88, 14K)

Attached: hello_fbi.jpg (270x184, 12K)

went right into my feet folder

Attached: IMG_20180831_154845.jpg (3024x791, 485K)




czy ty jestesz sliczny?


Attached: 400751069619159050.png (112x112, 20K)

ale masz fajne oczy


why do you have a feet folder

I like male feet

Attached: IMG_20181111_013555.jpg (2592x1944, 1.26M)

what's so good about male feet as opposed to female feet

well Im not gay

too lazy to get up*

god i wish that were me

Attached: awoken1.jpg (1280x720, 289K)

why not? maybe if you like male feet you'll like male genitals
you're cute

Attached: download.jpg (500x334, 81K)

no you don't

I am black man from Africa. I will post eyes if you promise to be nice. Thank you.

post em

Attached: 7[1].jpg (397x217, 17K)

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Attached: eyes.jpg (900x1470, 138K)


Attached: 39E5DF66-019C-44BA-87FC-9CBCB2B90318.jpg (438x357, 44K)

I have very distinctive eyes and if I posted them I'd basically be doxxing myself. Next thing I know you guys will be showing up at my front door to rape me.

You look handsome


Attached: IMG-1740.jpg (556x536, 113K)

Fucking perfect tho


Attached: IMG_1701.jpg (1935x714, 387K)

Finns aren't whi...

Attached: eyes.jpg (747x1328, 116K)

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They're actually grey, so they change colour depending on the lighting. They're green here, but if I go outside they'll look blue.

Attached: 20181110_154428.jpg (386x543, 108K)

Attached: eyes.jpg (307x79, 7K)

Same eyes 4 years ago

there was no such sadness in my eyes before

Attached: 2014.jpg (541x168, 18K)


Attached: eye.jpg (725x304, 222K)

They used to be blue.

Attached: IMG_20181109_223831-01.jpg (1467x447, 149K)

Attached: fkoff.jpg (444x269, 14K)

Hi Trudeau

>all these non blue eyes

Attached: 1491508962483.jpg (247x323, 14K)

Whiter than you, Mohammed.

Cлoжныe бyмepcкиe мeмы((

Attached: 20181111_124820~01.jpg (978x295, 99K)

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blue eyes belong to cute stuffed animals

Attached: IMG_20181108_0759582.jpg (1815x1622, 1.62M)

Dårlig bait Oscar

Attached: Eyehole.jpg (1845x1002, 795K)

Attached: olhos.jpg (1280x507, 57K)

muh dick


i have a very bright monitor

Attached: waterfox_2018-03-14_02-46-26.png (376x140, 108K)

Kids these days

Attached: Catpure.jpg (240x94, 10K)

I hate non-light eyes

Like honestly just fuck off you freaks

Fierro pa culiacan compa

t. muhammads

come to america

Attached: cross-eyed-steve-buscemi.jpg (327x327, 24K)

t. filthy neanderthal subhuman
brown eyes are a sign of being human