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Bumping this thread, weebs are unironically worse than women and minorities

>posting this on anime weaving forum
clearly *t is your containment shithoru

The voting is currently very very close. 53-47 with 100+ votes casted.

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get rid of them
they have so many other boards they can browse
this one will remain free of their influence

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All your base are belong to us.

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I see a disgusting normalfag.

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Ban generals, make a new board for them.

not a weeb but this is a weeb site so oppose

Umm sweetie, this is American website. Ever heard of free speech? That's what they do there in America.

>free speech

can we just fucking range ban americans already mods they add nothing to this board

we do tho

>fires u for supporting orange bad man

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They're freer than you, Goldsberg.

depends on what you mean by that
off topic anime discussion? of course. it already is banned

reaction faces? yeah, sure,
also ban all pictures of actors anywhere but /tv/,
ban all frogs and feels guys anywhere but /co/,
ban reaction faces of politicians anywhere but /news/ and Jow Forums
In fact every image posted which is not a map should be instaban.

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Free speech is based on government not private companies. Companies can fire you for anything anyways, there are even some at-will states where companies can fire you for any reason without warning except for illegal shit like discriminating against race and religion etc.

B& American posters before weebs.

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Discriminating against thought is not different from discriminating against race and religion. The fact that it's not illegal doesn't mean it's not wrong.

thats not a violation of free speech. companies have the right to terminate you for any reason as long as it isnt discriminatory or in retaliation for whistleblowing (this one is impossible to enforce)

fuck yes here we go ban them already please

Reminder that Jow Forums is primarily an anime website and every board is certified /a/-lite (as confirmed by the late moot AND the current hiroshimoot)

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