/cum/ Canada, USA, Mexiko

My Edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


why a swede starts cum?

More like /scum/

Good thread idea

Stop eating tacos

Anything's better than /cum/ tbqh.

yeah i agree, i listen to all kinds of music nowadays

i dont like tacos

why is everyone awake and why is the answer insomnia?

i like being awake at night desu


I'm shutting down. I'm now phoneposting in bed. I'd probably be asleep hours ago if I want starting at a screen as bright as daylight

Hello, goat. That's what cool people call GTOs fyi.

That's another thing that's better in summer. Staying up all night, all the windows open, a fresh cool breeze bringing in the smell of dewy grass and pine with a hint of sage.

i fell asleep at 8 and now i cant go back to bed send help
its better when you actually want to be awake though :-/

no, the the sun gets in and it doesn´t feel like night anymore

I don't get it, what do we do here?

I've really got to try going way north. A friend has jumped on the overlanding bandwagon and wants to cross the Arctic circle next summer. Maybe I should beg a ride. I've never been further north than Edmonton or Mackenzie.

It's like an old time chatroom but slower and with more pictures

Same, i want go to Luleå some day, its very far north and i´m pretty sure the sun never goes down during the summer there

Looks nice

Attached: restaurant-lulea-bar-bistro-brygga-archepelago.jpg (900x600, 141K)

I prefer Stockholm desu

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God I fucking hate Jow Forums sometimes

30 minutes of phoneposting in bed has done it for me. G'night


Also very nice

Me too


yeah, no

suit yourself

why dont you just link it?

original fb links get tagged as spam in Jow Forums's filters


Just stomped the enemy team in League

I've honestly never seen a brown person in my hometown, only see them when I go to the big city. When I asked my father about this he said that it was because there was a 100-man race war during the 80s on Main Street

Sounds like fun
but yknow I never got how the same species can have such hate for itself based on the simplest things
It's like a black labrador fucking murdering a brown one because he saw a different brown one peeing in his yard one time.


In my opinion we should exterminate all those dirty people with normal sleep schedules and let the night owls rule the world

this is very based
I agree
those who stay wakened and suppress drowsiness are mathematically 100% more productive

Oh no I'm a neet, sorry
I don't do anything productive


Jow Forums is productive
communication with others is the most based form of influencing the world around you
just by talking, right now, we're being productive

Based and redpilled post.

d-does Jow Forums like my switching back and forth from dayshifts to nightshifts???

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stop being gay

also, yeah switch it up man
sleep schedules are for nerds

i love it

Wanting to be cute is a desire that comes when your desire to acquire cute things is impeded. Break down the barriers and find a qt gf or you will become gay.

Attached: legion_veteran_decanos_04_by_armourplatedlegion_d5kx1qx-pre.jpg (638x1252, 99K)

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I love my body sometimes, and sometimes i think it looks like shit

Drunkenly watching Japanese camwhores at 3:30 am. Loneliness reverberates through me like a drum.

cute is a concept that only exists in 2d

Attached: Jon_Stewarts_waifu.jpg (1916x1585, 417K)

Japan sliding into the ocean when

what is gay about this?

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>not even 5am and can't get drunk cause reasons


anime is gay

I don't have much else to say really

MANime is for men, the rest is gay i agree

>have to stay up 3 hours more

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have to learn how to drive the zoom boom at work soon... the skid steer is pretty easy heh

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going to be drinking my MONSTER now to keep me awake

not gonna go to work today.....

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dead thread


how do I get a girl I only see with friends to hang out with me alone?

ask her i guess

have you tried talking to her

how do I do it without talking to her or expressing interest in any way

get lucky and get her to fall for you

It's too comfy to leave bed today buds

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Making double time and half at work and its a slow day. Heh see you virgins later

Can you believe it ? A hundred years ago, my country defeated the German empire with the help of the British empire and Russia, and then trusty sidekicks from far and wide such as the United States or Italy.

Wow, what a day. These are the men who put down their lives for France.

Attached: Morts pour la France 1914.png (1173x815, 55K)

Attached: Morts pour la France 1915.png (1359x688, 37K)

Verdun… Dios mio…

>A French lieutenant at Verdun, who would be killed by a shell, wrote in his diary on 23 May 1916, "Humanity is mad. It must be mad to do what it is doing. What a massacre! What scenes of horror and carnage! I cannot find words to translate my impressions. Hell cannot be so terrible. Men are mad!"[110

Attached: Morts pour la France 1916.png (1280x725, 36K)

and then France fucked Germany so hard with the treaty of Versailles that Germany elected Hitler as their Führer. GoodJob

Le Chemin des Dames… El atrocidad.

>Elle commence le 16 avril 1917 à 6 heures du matin par la tentative française de rupture du front allemand entre Soissons et Reims vers Laon, sous les ordres du général Nivelle : « L'heure est venue, confiance, courage et vive la France ! »

Attached: Morts pour la France 1917.png (1339x766, 36K)

but why, tacos are the best

La seconde bataille de la Marne...

El reckoning de los germanes.

You daft idiot, the Germans elected Hitler because they got fucked over by the Great Recession and the Americans rescinding all the financial help Germany was dependant on.

Versailles was no worst than anything France had suffered on its ground.
Remember that on 1939, France was demographically the oldest country in the world because of the youth lost.

Attached: Morts pour la France 1918.png (1249x611, 33K)

You ruined Germany and you know it, dont blame the depression

Germany was literally fucking fine in 1930.

Under the Weimar or Nazi?

Weimar. Economy back on track, done with the extremists...

Thinking about playing Minecraft today

Dont know enough about it to have a opinion about that

stop being stupid please

wir schaffen das

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They rose up because of the Great Depression, how have you been taught this ?

>inb4 muh occupation of the Ruhr twenty years prior
>inb4 muh hyperinflation twenty years prior
>inb4 Jow Forums memes about Weimar dykes


i dont know matt witnakemer

Attached: German Homo.jpg (678x960, 109K)

Attached: my perfect sunday.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

is this a mod, or is a watch dogs really like this

pretty sure its a mod

In flanders fields the poopies grow

Haha just kidding folks I am very thanksful for my freedom (to shitpost)

For how long does coffin stay in the body?


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hey! answer my question!

if i say jag kommer in sweden.
is it sexual like saying i am cumming

no this is how it is

what engine is my car from

I hate americans but I love hard black cocks

Those eyelashes… I want to fuck Apu.

>news reporter/guest says trump is flexible overtime
>all the other ones start gaggling until the commercial break
this is what the most powerful nation in history has to offer