
Attached: Framed_mena_political_map.png (1704x913, 171K)

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>my picture
i posted just once in a shitty thread and you already saved it , respect

Falestine needs to be green

is life good for Iranians in USA ?

Idk man I've only been here a few years for uni and I tend to stay away from the second gen Iranian diaspora unless they're practicing muslims, but unfortunately they are few.
But my life is probably the same as any other international muslim students. But since I'm in the university and muslim american community bubbles and I don't really go that far outside of those bubbles, I don't really know how life for the average secular Iranian who has been living here for decades is.

mfw i'm not masculine enough

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ok bro good luck

is that you ?

thx bro you too

yeah and we are a littel feminibe thab you but we are manlier than lybia for fuck sakes
nothing wrong with trt even thou i don't do it

>Gulfis are people

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>Fake earpods

lmaoing at your poverty fella

Why Saudis feminine?

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iraqies are cool they're diverse and had a great civilization before islam even gulfis don't think iraqies are gulfis

tfw no Lebanese bf

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the problem with Egypt is the accent and the oriental music you make tbqh
those lebanese-style music and movies are feminine af
but shit how much time you spend in the gym ? i will never be like you even if i spend 20 years there and take all the pills

tfw no Tunisian bf

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actually you could 6 hours a week and good diet or supplemnts and you will be, i was a scrawny guy
genitics only count if you want to be like big ramy pic related

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assuming it's you, you're wayyyyyyyy too fat, seems like the doses of clenbuterol you're injecting in your buttock are not enough, stop being a pussy and start cycles of 120mcg per day.

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Why isn’t turkey included.

They aren't cucks to the Saudis.
Also Muslims in general hate T*rks.

>Muslims in general hate T*rks.
Why? Turks seem to be universally hated for some reason, i’m kinda sad for them, they seemed to be nice people to me.

>Turks seem to be universally hated
The reigned over Arabs so Ar*bs are eternally butthurt now.

Cringe, kys

More like Turkey isn't really located in the Middle East

More like Turks aren't cucks.

You're a cuck for calling me a cuck, I'm dz, dz isn't cucked

Arab cuckboy larping, lol.

I'm AMVZIGH you turcuck

Who is unironically unhappy about the fact that this Khashoggi cuck was killed?


People hate Ottoman occupation, not modern day turks. Lablebi is fine, though.

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What is up, my dudes?

how life's in your country ?

Bad, our new president is a maniac.
How about yours? Argel seems to be pretty

everything fine here
which problems do you have exactly with new president ? i mean if you are christian you wouldn't have any problem or not ?

all arabs are feminine, there's truth in that stereotype.

say that to my face

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dude there are literal fags that work out and get swole

what belgian are you

>everything fine here
Just how much are they paying you :^)

the situation is not ideal but algeria seems pretty stable right now, no?

absolutely not
there is an ongoing mafia war between generals

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It was supposed to be a joke although I'm not much of a comedian.

i prefer to have a dead president and live like a human , than have a king and live like an animal

who has an invite to /mena/ discord server please

do you guys know bassem braiki ? hes mad about mena girls going for black cocks


for me, desu

What is wrong with that ? Mena are basically Africans.

Alex pls let us in

hestop 3 youtuber live here


i watch him everyday , the only good maghrebi in france
i feel bad for him that a lot of people hate him

Are u on /mena/ discord ??

no , do you have one ?

Lmao you're not getting it
Who the fuck are you even

hes funny and people who called him are really retard sometimes, good show desu

i am grizo let me in i need to speak to ledus

what is his tag and i also dont mind if u give me bong tag too
pls i miss my friends

>space jihadi
I hope this is ironic
Anyways I'll talk to alex

is it a special club for your little circle or something

Are you the Sunni guy?

Ledus isn't here no more
He left like 2 weeks ago

tell him i apologize for everything and i love him
can u generate an invite ?? or just give me bon or ledus tag

>t.dies of cholera

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k-r-i-e-g* or war in deutsch
when will you learn

It's ledus#3923

>t.Bacary wanna get a beurette a khel by using this logic

Looks like the chart is right

c, couldn't I enter your server of mosque?

どうゆうことや、、?discordですか? いいえです

oui je veux entrer votre discord.

Hi again.

what about the invite
what did alex say


The Iranian is right.

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haha, c'est un petit espace pour les oldfags j'imagine

Salam, my brothers


it's /mena/, fuck off ching chong

b, but as observer you can invite one or some guys can't you

انك تضيع وقتك يجب عليكالعودة الى/fr/

you are welcome , don't give him attention he is just a kid , we don't give kids attention here

ferme ta sale race, dégage

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Don't let those subhumans annoy you f.am, enjoy your stay

يلعن رب آلهة امك يا خرائري حركي كلب ولد فرانسا امك شرموطة جزايرية و باك 100 جندي فرنسي ب يحكمكم معاق على شكل شعبه الامي يموت بالكولورا و ما يلاقي حتى البانان ياكلو ف الاسواق تفو تفو تفو على اصل ربك

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listen to the actual /mena/ flags
why do you specifically have against him though

>being this dumb and responding to this autist kid -_-
stop giving him attention , let him bark like a dog and then he will go and we enjoy a good thread

can you find your grandpa between the corpses ahahhahahahahahahhahahaha

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w er


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جنداء مسلحون من اجل الوطن، يسقط اللقيط الميكروب الخرائري.

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Bow before me algeri*n scum or die.

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Our lovely king and his son in the front row, where is Boute3wi9a ? did he shit in his pants once again ?

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Well, he's a proto-fascist. I'm not talking about someone like Trump, he's just a regular billionaire with some conservative ideas. Bolsonaro is straight up fascist and he might fuck the educational system.