When will China apologize for its war crime?

When will China apologize for its war crime?

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We made them pay for it in WW2

But OP happened after WW2. They need to make another apology

nanjing festival best day of my life

china was just defending from american attack

jesus fucking christ i hope you fucking kill your self quick you fucking faggot, US had no intention what so ever to attack china but you fags just wanted a fucking buffer zone you fucking disgusting chink piece of shit, if they actually wanted you they wouldve nuked you long time ago when they had the fucking chance but your chinkshit brain is too dumb to understand the fact and still suck up on the """communist"""" propaganda of yours,so glad youre choking up on smog i hope you die soon with cancer, thanks and kill your self

Butthurt mad kimchi lmao

but you are choking on our smog too lolz enjoy :)

lol have fun merging fully with the CCP soon u dipshit lmao can u imagine that

ye atleast we get money out of it, what do you get except cancer? hows your minimum wage zhang?
you poor fags waste your hard earn money here in korea just to buy some stupid cosmetics lmao thanks for the cash retard come again soon


what are you talking about you don't get money, we get money from OUR smog killing your peoplez/ well cosmetics are only thing we can get after our gov banned all your shit(lol)

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cant you read english? we dont make a big deal out of it because you dumbass chinks buys our shit, how fucking dumb are you to understand this? also even after your gov banned our shit, cosmetics alone makes us enough money to tolerate you subhumans, thanks btw for visiting korea, buy your shit and get the fuck out because youre loud and stinky, just remember no one actually likes you, we just like your money just like the rest of the world

what sellouts lmao. no problem dude, i know you guys like cleaning up our tourists trash/poop sp there will be more in the future, have fun!!!!!!

And you've created this monster called Kim. You are responsible for all the suffering souls in North Korea. Apologize. NOW!

no america sanction and attacked north korea so kim had to resort to desperate measure its not our fault. america is why you are divided you need to know this!!

but without the Chinese intervention north korea wouldn't exist. So it is your fault that the norks have nukes and threaten everyone now

its americas fault that north korea did not become whole korea. its americas fault that nork threaten anyone in first place

>its americas fault that north korea did not become whole korea. its americas fault that nork threaten anyone in first place

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south korea was becoming the whole korea. and you stopped it. you should have not intervened. you can't say you are completely innocent on this one!

no america stopped it. they have to ruin everything just like middle east and south america

Thank God they stopped China's evil scheme: making communist Korea. They did a favor for us. A lot more people would have died if the whole Korea was communist

not really south korea had dictatorship too

Yeah but at least the dictators didn't starve the people to death like Kim Il Sung.

but they killed people too

When will South Korea apologize for their crimes against culture?

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this is not real

fake and gay

It was the Soviets who blocked elections on the northern side of the 38th parallel. It was also the Soviets who installed Kim Il-sung as leader.

should have finished the job with the germans fin,

they really look pretty stone-faced though

Asian threads where slanty-eyed niggers throw feces at each other are the absolute best

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이게 왜 전쟁 범죄인지부터 납득시켜줘.


Chinese aren't in the business of guilt and apologies

That's why they're stronger than us and the future belongs to them.

This, in a political correct world the savage wins.
Even demolition man proved this.

They even have a word for our weakness: 白左