Pizza with pineapple

>pizza with pineapple

is this allowed in your cunt? if not, why? it is delicious 2bh

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people will be retards about it and say it's not allowed
I'll always defend it. pizza is peasant food, so who cares. Salty and sweet works well
I'll never get snobbery over pizza of all things

This. Pizza elitism = The highest form of reddit faggotry

i luv ananas pizza

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it's fine, no Italian grandmothers are going to die if you like pineapple on it

>Salty and sweet works well
this always works 2bh

pizza with pineapple is a good retard filter

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too bad i dont like ham


>Pineapple? On pizza? Pssh, almost as bad as putting cream and sugar in coffee.

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i dont get how some people go so mad about it, its truly a delicious


Tolerated and pretty popular. I never order pizza with ananas, but I don't get autistic about it if someone likes it.

the crust of some pizzas has guava sweet here, r8.

>it is delicious 2bh
ya, it's not that bad

wtf I love Germany now

>almost as bad as putting cream and sugar in coffee.

well ya, that is bad homo. they make espresso + sugary cream drinks (lattes) for a reason. normal brew coffee is not intended for this shit.

Why are Europeans afraid of innovation?

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I for one welcome all sorts of american degeneracy when it comes to food innovations.

Germans are leading the way in pizza innovation. yes, picrel is chocolate pizza. for something less autistic, kebab pizza is quite popular in Poland and Scandinavia.

Attached: czekoladowa-pizza-trafila-do-lidla.jpg (595x596, 93K)

not every innovation is good

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I hope every last pineapple tree rots off the Earth so I can sip pineapplefag tears every night.

>kebab pizza
thats how it ooks like. desu very good when you're drunk.

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>pineapple tree
>american education

Nothing wrong with kebab pizza. I don't really see that much of a difference, ham or kebab they are pretty much the same.

absolutely disgusting

What's wrong with this?

nothing faggot, but there's much wrong with the "pizza" the guy I replied to posted

Of course it isnt wrong, So im going to eat Ravioli with ice cream.

>I'm going to force myself to eat something that tastes bad to spite people who enjoy something that tastes good

Don't forget to put ketchup on it and use a knife and a fork to eat it.

By all means if it makes you happy.

I didnt say you dont have to eat it.
It just feels wrong.
Cheese with Fruit. Ack

Yes, what's wrong with those degenerates.

Apparently I'm not able to post a picture of cheese and fruit platter. What ever.

The people who do the latter don't do the former.


>Cheese with Fruit. Ack

If you didn't grow up snacking on apple slices and cheese cubes, your mother hated you.

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>stop liking what I don't like REEEEE

Fuck you elitists, I'll have potato and carrots on my pizza if I so please

Flag. -
Disgusting food combination of food.-

Checks out.
Im glad my mother hated me.
Also Pears are masterrace fruit.

agreed, ananas on pizza is still shit though

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Woops typed Food twice.

liteally my nigga
fuck these plebs

>Pears are masterrace fruit.
So, the fruit that is usually eaten together with cheese?

No, never mixed Pears with cheese in my experience.
It feels wrong. Just that, i dont deny the flavor or whatever. I just feels wrong to me.

you're missing out mate, mixing sweet with salty is a word of great culinary adventures. get out of your comfort zone, you're missing out.

thats one of my favourite foods ever. grilled local Polish sheep cheese called oscypek with cranberry jam. shit is orgasmic.

Attached: grillowany-oscypek-z.jpg (550x367, 38K)

You know nothing. Do you think no one enjoys wine with cheese? Jams with cheese?

We have similar dish with fresh cheese and cloudberry jam.

tastes even better. Polish cuisine in general often mixes sweet with salty, maybe thats why I'm more used to it. for example almost every game recipe uses some kind of fruits. we also love adding honey to salty shit, for example in bigos

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B & R

we do that as well. also fresh cheese with honey is often used, makes for a great breakfast

Is eating jam common with game in other parts of the world? It is at least in Nordic countries, reindeer and lingonberry jam is a classic and we use jams with other game dishes as well.

it is here, especially with boar and birds, we don't have reindeer. cranberry is used most often I think.

I love sweet and sour food

>Cheese with Fruit. Ack
Yeah, french people are so stupid and know nothing about food

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Do shitalians really spit on you if they see you eating Hawaiian pizza?

Yes, especially Americans. They're our favorite target.
