Here's an unpopular opinion:

here's an unpopular opinion:

I'm for Turkey joining the EU.

Attached: 56765789.png (427x576, 310K)

I'm for portugal leaving the E.U


based and redpilled
cuck and gaypilled

make the EU 28 again.

Attached: 34678789.png (2961x2616, 702K)

>make Russia join EU
>Poland gets invaded (again)
>Turkey joins EU
>Wolrd War 3 commences

Switzerland wins

Turkey or some other Muslim shithole joining is the best way to make us leave desu.

So am I :D

Today I dreamed of EU from Atlantic to Pacific.

We would dominate the globe.

We won't join EU

EU will join us ottoman empire will come back


And I mean with Turkey and Iran.

Honestly me too. Also Ukraine and Georgia should join too.


We should also think about setting up an EU military and occupying the Middle East, bringing peace and stability to the region. Then we can admit them into the EU, making everyone richer and happier, it'll bring European investment to the region and Middle Eastern workers to an increasingly ageing continent.

There are no downsides :D

why are you so mean tho

>and Middle Eastern workers to an increasingly ageing continent.
You don't need young workers when automation is going to demolish their job anyway. All you're doing is inviting mass unemployment.

I don't understand friend, what do you mean? :D


Yes but what about it. A machine doesn't care for your race, but every hour you spend outside your job (or unemployed) it does factor in due to culture clash.

We have a moral obligation to let in any and all seeking refuge

So go move there and improve their lives there? Why do you have to drag the rest of Britain into it for your personal morality.

Enforcing personal morality via unilateralism is called tyranny.

They want to come here. Who am I to deny them that right? We are all equal citizens of the globe.

Turkey's getting wiped out in the next big middle eastern war, sorry to break it to you.


they have one of the largest armies in NATO.

I want the EU to implode.

I want the EU to explode

>Turkey joins schengen
Pls no

here's an unpopular opinion:

I'm for Russia annexing the EU.

Thought the EU were for european cunts only

Turkey is at least as European as Finland and Bulgaria.