Why Russia is a shithole?

Why Russia is a shithole?

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because russians live there

>Why Russia is a shithole?

I feel like it's way too big for its own good. It's just too had to govern, especially because of how complicated the federal subdivisions are, there are too many types of those.

Because it's full of Russians.

history & corruption.

Corruption and dumb idea that you are somehow tough if you drink and act like a total gopnik

Because 70 years ago a man tried to fix it and you chimped out.

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Because some people there don't believe in God.

bigotry, conformism, bydloism

It could be much worse. Stop being a pussy.

Oi mate, r ur even giggle mate.

Because of the parasitical ruling class. They need the spirit of based Stalin to return and liberate the country again.

Russia would unironically be heaven on earth had russians accepted Napoléon as their Lord and Savior


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>braindead Georgian manlet whose only talent was killing his former friends after out-maneuvering them politically will help Russia improve

Wash your mouth before you talk about Stalin, pathetic obese piece of full of jewish semen head.

Pathetic. Shocking ignorance.

Stalin is a faggot and I'm glad he's dead.

Catholicism is the foundation of the western thinking, like it or not, and Confucianism is the main point when talking about the east.

Russia in itself never developed anything on its own until it was quite late. The driving force that ideas and religions have wasn't found on orthodox Christianity.
That's weird huh?

shit people lead to a shit country
shit country leads to shit people
it's an endless cycle


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By instinct, the Russian does not incline towards a higher form of society. Certain peoples can live in such a way that with them a collection of family units does not make a whole; and although Russia has set up a social system which, judged by Western standards, qualifies for the designation " State ", it is not, in fact, a system which is either congenial or natural to her.

In the eyes of the Russian, the principal support of civilisation is vodka. His ideal consists in never doing anything but the indispensable. Our conception of work (work, and then more of it!) is one that he submits to as if it were a real curse. It is doubtful whether anything at all can be done in Russia without the help of the Orthodox priest. It's the priest who has been able to reconcile the Russian to the fatal necessity of work by promising him more happiness in another world. The Russian will never make up his mind to work except under compulsion from outside, for he is incapable of organising himself. And if, despite everything, he is apt to have organisation thrust upon him, that is thanks to the drop of Aryan blood in his veins. It's only because of this drop that the Russian people has created something and possesses an organised State.

>Length of text
Please, someone, does it worth to read?

Im also interested

No, actually shit is pretty much recycle in things like earth and then grass.

Because its cold, also dark

I love Russians
such nice people

I live here but im german

It was rhetorical question, but thanks you for proving my opinion