White & based

White & based.

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Jews are not white, they are semitic. They don't even speak an Indo-European language, except in order to exploit us. They have more in common with Arabs than they do us, culturally, religiously, and linguistically.

Israel vaincra

also blue

Palestinians - white
Jews - no

Attached: alqasem-1.jpg (880x580, 86K)

>They don't even speak an Indo-European language
>Indians are whiter than ashkenazis
The absolute state of American education.

Jews aren't white. They're better than that.

>t. sneaky palestinian subhuman in israel

I would trust an Indian before a Jew.

emmanuel how do you like that nigga's song?


it's true, Israel is 100% Mizrahi

Jews are nice, friendly people. Anti-Semitism is a meme for cavemen who don't have the intelligence to treat individuals as individuals but rather make hateful generalisations.

t. Muslim who is appalled by anti-Semitism among Muslims

what is white and based ?

Attached: Israeli-soldier-24.png (1600x1080, 2.92M)

You guys are LITERALLY whitoids

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Is nepotism okay? Because that's what we see in the USA. The banking industry, Hollywood, and media are all dominated by Jews who hire their fellow Jews. I can understand the evolutionary advantage bestowed (forced) upon Jews due to medieval European history, sure, but the other areas should not be dominated so much by one ethnic group.

I'm not a Jew, I'm an ex-Catholic. And from an outsider's perspective it seems to me that our economy is rigged to favor Jews over non-Jews. Pic related. I believe in a merit-based economy, but this is too much. The statistics are too unnatural.

Attached: religion and money in usa.jpg (2000x1000, 330K)

It's not nepotism, it's competence. Jews place a high value on education and hard work, so they naturally go far. Of course Jews do *some* nepotism but so does everyone else.

i've lived in israel for decades and i've never met a white person that wasn't a tourist .

Attached: bnei-menashe-israel-idf-soldiers-1499444647.jpg?1499444669.jpg (4000x3849, 1.14M)

>It's not nepotism, it's competence.
I don't think that's true. In the modern information economy, networking matters more than actual skill. It's called the rolodex effect, which black/feminist activists have used to criticize whites: gamasutra.com/blogs/JennFrank/20140327/214022/The_Rolodex.php

The idea being, when someone asks you "do you know anyone who can X?" you respond immediately with people you know, instead of further investigating all possible workers who could fit that bill. The problem with the Jewish community is that they are incredibly insular, which means that they will almost always recommend Jews instead of truly merited candidates. Again, going back to my acknowledgement of "medieval European history," they got kicked out of European country by European country so really the only people they ever knew were kings and Jews.

This doesn't work in the modern economy. It makes the system inefficient, it increases inequality across racial and religious lines, and inevitability it will lead to a pogrom in Western societies just like medieval times due to inequality breaking the camel's back. This is why, for Jews, it is in their best interest to stop nepotism in Hollywood, banking, and media. I don't want to see a pogrom, and I don't want to see anti-semitism. But for their own sake, they should stop Rolodexing the fuck out of whites, blacks, latinos, and asians.


probably the only time ill say Based' unironically to a israeli poster

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Shut up nazi

dude retarded people lmao

nothing to do with that senpai , calling a jew white is an insult , it's like calling you a nigger .

Too many white people there

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Give me your opinion on Anti-Israel sentiment is certainly rising in the USA and I don't want to completely abandon you. But it's in both of our best interest to fix our relationship before it becomes toxic. As in, not sinking the USS Liberty toxic


I'm 100% nigga