IT'S OVER Jow Forums

Pack and dump your shitty bags Jow Forums, IOTA has just revealed their plan to make 99% of crypto obsolete, and it's beautiful.

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brainlet here how big is this?


I came

The explanation on their website is not technical or difficult to understand. However, with the limited information available, it's game-changing. This is much bigger than the crypto industry.

Crypto isn't real.

Big enough for me to know that I fucked up by not going 100% in IOTA.

-6.7% KEK

I'm not buying your refugee coin, pajeeta

Iotex is better in every way and its 70x cheaper. So lol

If it was that big why is everyone dumping right now, i get the sell the news meme but if it was that revolutionary..

Someone sold before he could even read the site, normal sell the news, watch him get rekt

That's expected, traders always sell the news no matter what the news is.

>The smart contract has now become an oracle in and of itself - that is, the contract itself has become a source of external data, available for an oracle machine to pick up and send back to some other qubic.

Holy fuck

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this market is just gay.
all other cryptos are not worthy enough for IOTA

holy shit

dumb White supremist fuddled this coin to hell because of its altruistic mission plan, some people need to be left behind, better yet shot


the tangle is already pure shit and the team is despised by every crypto expert and institution. The solution? Let's make another totally fucked up protocol, lol

IOTA doesn't even have a working wallet, a fucking wallet, it's a vaporware scam, another one of those pie in the sky type of shitcoin

>shilling allahu akbar coin on Jow Forums

>and it's beautiful.
Even reads like buzzfeed clickbait

Smoke cock faggot

t. very mad

What specifically makes the tangle shit?

yea yea, more woo woo techno word salad. Crypto devs better start bring out real tangible product, services, and use cases or this hold thing is gonna implode soon.

They're creating their own trinary-based functional programming language for Qubic. Do you brainlets even understand how big could even get?

>The smart contract has now become an oracle in and of itself - that is, the contract itself has become a source of external data, available for an oracle machine to pick up and send back to some other qubic.

>Finally, Abra is trinary-based because trinary systems can provide significant energy savings, a crucial consideration for IoT devices. One trinary digit, a trit, can represent 1.58 bits. The amount of wiring necessary for a trinary system can therefore be reduced to about 64% of an equivalent binary system, resulting in a corresponding energy reduction.

>Abra thus belongs to a programming paradigm known as dataflow programming, and lends itself to so-called wave pipelining. Data can flow through the several stages of the processor without the need for synchronization or buffering delays. This has been shown to be able to achieve clock-rates 2- to 7-times those possible with conventional pipelining systems.

>Like IOTA, Qubic in general and Abra in particular provide further opportunity for permissionless collaboration to help iterate, improve, and create our shared vision.


Attached: abra.png (745x629, 72K)

If it was big it would moon. Its that simple.

hahhahahah Sergey on suicide watch

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>implying this market is anything other than a pump and dump. People are more interested in buying erc20 tokens, this is why crypto like Tron, EOS exist, purely on speculation.

Trinity wallet was released last week, bud.

>b-but ABLOOBLOOOOOOO ;______;
the absolute state of IOTAfags lel

you cant even invest in the qubic protocol so who the fuck cares. IOTA is shit. doesnt even have a functioning wallet. LMAO

"The way this is done in the Qubic protocol is by forcing quorum consensus. Since we cannot expect every oracle to run all existing qubics and verify all results, like certain block-chain solutions do, we use a quorum to come to consensus on results.

This means that in the Qubic system a group of oracles will combine into an assembly where all members will process the same set of qubics, and each oracle will post its processing results for each qubic on the Tangle. This will allow the qubic owners to determine the quorum consensus of the assembly. If they cannot form a quorum (at least 2/3 of the oracles in the assembly agree on the result) then the results will not be accepted by the qubic owner.

The incentive to be honest in an assembly is the same incentive as the one to become an oracle: the reward offered by the qubic owner. This reward will be distributed to the oracles in the assembly that have produced the quorum result for that qubic. If you come up with a doctored or erroneous dissenting result you will miss out on the rewards. The same goes if you decide not to participate in processing the qubic. No processing means no rewards."

What does this mean exactly? It's a copy of Chainlink? Using Chainlink? What's the difference?

IOTA was a missing piece in the Qubic puzzle as was discussed by cfb in 2012 here:

Will I be able to run a Qubic oracle node with my IOTA tokens? I might have missed where they discussed the "who is eligible to run a node" part.

so a 3rd party needed to step in to create a wallet for this scam?
a lot of buzzwords and nothing to show for, they can claim they got in contact with aliens,
>muh iot devices
>muh smart toaster
This shit is probably another 5years away to be able to turn on and off your lightbulb let alone working as those potheads envisioned it.


Buy iota now or stay poor forever pajeeeets

Amen brother.

And it is awesome. No more wallet based fud.

KYS you fucking imbecile, one of the worst shitcoins out there that is trying to look legit by throwing around technical buzzwords and unproven and untested concepts to convince normalfags it's the future.

im 95% in IOTA now. If they reach 1% of their goals we will see #3 in marketcap EOY

Yes. Just like all those miners whom will be able to use their rigs for more useful computations and still earn large sums.

Vaporware shitcoin. The network is still run on a fucking centralized server.

> A reward system for incentivizing honest participation in the Tangle
Cool, it's the same trash as LINK.

explain to me - a computer brainlet - please

literally every project can say that
I swear there is nothing worse in crypto than fucking deluded communities marrying their beloved shitcoins.
Once you learn to detach yourelf from any of those shitcoins emotionally then you will make money.
It's so fucking easy to short all of you deluded retards, long before announcement, short right before the release, profit

you guys are fucking morons, IF adopted the trinity wallet officially and it's specifically made for retards like you.

go talk to your toaster and your vacuum cleaner through your feeless and instant tangle (I wonder what the token is for then LMAO)

fucking obvious scam claming to do everything with ideas and nothing more.
If you want to make money in crypto either trade shitcoins or invest in use case specific projects, not a jack of all master of none

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yeah right

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It's all tangled up and shit.

New world order much?

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controlling your smart fridge, helping refugees, fighting for human rights, what's next? visiting Mars? going back in time?

Stop shilling like this is new. Ever heard of Zen Protocol and Tezos?

Dubs of truth. Let these guys get suckered into fancy words

Yeah that mean : have fun to understand qbit logic.

Have fun to test your smart contract in Quantic Processor emulator.

> Muh "doesnt even have a functioning wallet LMAO"

Kek. Absolute brainlets. Trinity wallet came out a few days ago. Find some other trash excuse for fudding IOTA.

i like the idea of proof of bandwidth. when you have this much devices and a growing population, bandwidth itself becomes so scarce that its enough to turn you into a good actor.

but yea it doesnt have a wallet. like thats what this space needs. more. fucking. wallets. just go kys.

>beta version kek

A chainlink competitor emerges. Hopefully they continue to be incompetent.

Just read. It seems like Chainlink has a new competitor. A lot of similarities with chainlink - oracle consensus, reputation, etc. Will be interesting to see how far along they really are. The one big positive out of this is there is now a top 10 coin promoting the value of oracles and tamper proof smart contracts.

With two security audits kek

i don't understand. can you give me an example of a real world application for this and how it would be an improvement on other blockchain tech attempting the same task?

explain this iota fags

This is good for bitcoin/chainlink

for bitmain not for bitcoin

Buy the woomah sell duh noos. Widespread trisomy 21 in people who can't grasp technology, game theory, and network graphs leads to red candles. Dumb ass motherfuckers who couldn't cut it in math and sciences straighten their ties, smile and sell en masse. They're little better than apes pulling their lips back and shrieking, thinking it gives them control.

I hope their inefficiency has been erased and put behind our species before the day I die.

Let me know when they don't need a coordinator for their centralized shitcoin.

you mad bro?
>hurr everyone is too stupid for muh genius project

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so they are copying chainlink. This is the big Q they were shilling? lol


I have 15k iota just in case if they hype up big time. The fundamentals are there for normies to fomo in. We need this kind of shitcoin to make more bitcoins.

They get really upset when you mention that


They are using chainlink you fucking idiots

I point out your false premise, but then you deflect with ad hominem?

You’re pathetic.

what do you guys think of iotex?

This makes iota+qubic like Ethereum (smart contracts) but with infinitely scalable, feeless transactions and the ability to have continuous money flows within smart contracts. This also solves the issues related to cloud computing, allowing the creation of cloud/fog supercomputer systems which can link into existing data flows (using oracles).

Before: iota = iota

Now: iota = iota + the best bits of ethereum, golem, gridcoin, and chainlink

All those coins are now added to the ever-growing heap of coins that are dead men walking. They have a competitor who can do it for free, with infinite scalability, run by a legally recognised foundation in Germany.

>They're creating their own trinary-based functional programming language
Holy shit that was a good one user. Tell another.

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Actually good

Before: iota = centralized shitcoin with a "coordinator"

Now: iota = centralized shitcoin with a "coordinator"


On paper, yes. They plan to do that. Can they do that already?
Hell the fuck no.

wrong. cant read much huh? fucking dumbfag lmao

absolute retard, iotex uses tx fees for txs. You weather data sensor only uses $500 of transaction fees.
Absolute brainlet

>iota before Q
>transfers don't work, tangle self destructs without the coordinator and often dies from spam even with it
>iota after Q
>smart contracts and oracles added to the 'things that don't work' list

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Paperware vaporware delualtruistic swedish turnip scamcoin

only incompetent would build something on unproved extremely well tested technologies when it comes to money