Why do Americans travel to Europe when Europeans hate them and there's so much to see and do within America?

Why do Americans travel to Europe when Europeans hate them and there's so much to see and do within America?

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>Americans traveling
Only rich people go to Europe
Real nibbas go to National parks

I want to see some mountains and nature and shit in or around Illinois.

Any suggestions? Apparently, according to Google, there's no mountains in Illinois :(

Literally everything you said is wrong

>when Europeans hate them
on Jow Forums

Never seen an American irl

Your state has a lot of forested land. Look for local state forests. If you want Mountains go west a bit or you could take a trip to the UP.

Not everyone wants to see nature over and over and over

what's that?

Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Maybe because your Dutch and you don't have any. It's not like there aren't a bunch of cities in America that vary in culture.

love it when poorfags can't afford a plane ticket so they start screeching about how nice their backwater state's nature is

>when Europeans hate them
they hate loud, fat retards. Many people in this country hate them too.

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taking pictures and pretending you're more cultured
yurop has pretty girls and tasty food though, huge props

>picking thots and pajeet food over God's green Earth

I wish we had national parks and so much untouched nature here as well

Its weird how much Americans stand out so much, they always have those extreme radical™ weird sunglasses and their teeth are so white and fluorescent.
Sometimes i watch handegg and there's this dude called Mike Pereira, and even though he still looks portuguese, he also has this american look. What is it? Diet? The genetic doesnt change.

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its not like you renounce citizenship and join isis by going to europe bud, its basically america but more boring

I've been to Europe multiple times and yuros never acted like they hated me.

Europe is gay tho

>they hate loud, fat retards

You might be on to something.

>Mike Pereira
he looks pretty iberian to me

He might be the television make up, but i do feel that most americans look a tiny bit different than their european conter parts. Im only considering 100 percenters. Its probably the diet.

Here's a Portuguese American baseball player, his name is Mike Canha. He plays for the Oakland Athletics.

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*mark canha

Great example, that dude looks American, even though there are Portuguese "hints" on his face.

>there's so much to see and do within America

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>When Europeans hate them

We hate loud ignorant rude fucks, you must think the way people treated you when you visited is how we treat all Americans.

What hints would that be?

Lived 5 years in Spain, have seen 3 americans in Europe.

Went search about this phenomenon and have discovered that americans only travel to Mexico and Canada

>>there's so much to see and do within America
This is a fact.
2 weeks in NY and i was not able to do 25% of what was possible.

>hate loud ignorant rude fucks
Why are the Spanish so self-hating?

>no u

Most Americans travel to Canada, Mexico, or Puerto Rico because it's cheaper and a more familiar setting.

>Mexico, or Puerto Rico because it's cheaper and a more familiar setting.

hahahahahaha! mutt!

>architecture, history, art, culture, gorgeous landscapes, food and my very own twink body

Here’s why Americans travel to Europe

This, OP has clearly never left the states.

I visited Europe during the Bush era when it was popularly advised that Americans need to pretend to be Canadians or else you’ll get spat on. Once I got there, I found out that was completely bullshit and Europeans are actually way more interested in talking to you if you say you’re American than they are if you say you’re a Canadian.

Literally nothing wrong with being Hispanic, it's better than being some Anglo faggot.

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Not much to see in North America if you aren't into nature or consumerism shit

there's plenty of historical monuments to see

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Only germans here on Jow Forums hates usa

Just because Canada has nothing of historic value doesn’t mean we don’t. America has plenty of neat historical landmarks worth checking out, and theres enough of it concentrated close together in the Northeast to be worth taking a trip there explicitly for that.

>posts spaniard misssion
why are anglos so uncultured and unable to buy pretty things?

The Spanish and French colonialism is what really sets America apart from the rest of the Anglosphere.

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Americans only ever go to a select few cities as part of their once in a lifetime stock eurotrip. Paris, Venice etc. Outside of those you'll almost never run into any burgers.

not anymore yt boi
Estamos aca para quedarnos

Most of our really famous historic buildings actually cop Roman architecture more than anything else. The founding fathers were huge Romeaboos.

The only super notable Spanish structure in the US is the Alamo.

You know that we don't actually hate you /treat you bad? Its just a meme

There were Spanish/Mexicans in the civil war on both the union and confederate sides.

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But America is the land of Satan...

OP is just a retard. Americans itt who have actually visited Europe have already told him he’s wrong.

Also the San Antonio mission which are a UNESCO heritage site now

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America is nice and there's much to see. I have to say that I prefer to live here though because I can reach most Europe capitals with a 1-2 hours flight. So I can always go partying in a different country during the weekends :)

Also this was built by the honhon people

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Thanks I'm always nice with americans here and I have to say you're also nicer irl. We all know bong tourists are the real cancer kek

maybe you shouldn't be killing nature so much then. I still remeber the story about the bison that crossed from Poland to Germany and was immediately shot. we used to have similiar populations of them, they were almost hunted to extinction, but we put decades and lots of money to bring them back. and where the population grew big enough to start moving to Germany as well, you shoot the fuckers on spot. hearbreaking to be honest. face it, Western Europeans hate wild life.

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I was talking about vast, untouched forests
one bison isn't gonna undo a millennium of civilization or enlarge the countryside somehow
nice how you managed to turn even this topic into an assblasted bitching on western europeans tho

We almost hunted our bison to extinction, but now there's plenty of them again in the wild. Why western euros hate nature so much?

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forests can regrow, population of wild life can be replenished. Poland is a proof of it. we brought back many species that were on the verge of extinction. I'm not saying we're doing it perfectly, but there is an attempt you guys lack. I'm not butthurt, I'm just sad for the bison. we love bisons, they are our national pride nowdays, so I'm emotional about them. sorry if you felt offended, not my intention. but you do like domesticated forests that are glorified parks, shooting that bison is a proof.

I’ve been to a ton of places both in and outside the US including Italy and Greece, and I would still say New Orleans and Roswell NM are among some of the coolest places I’ve ever visited.

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I guess you've never been to Amsterdam

Poland also has bison as a national animal? Nice.

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btw i've been to pic related irl

I never really felt like I was treated any worse than a Brit would be

we even named a brand of vodka after them. there is no higher honour in Poland. you can get it in the US btw.

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Bison have been taken off the threatened list, and it probably want be long until they are least concern.
How long until we can hunt them like deer? I want to still be young enough to go hunting when that happens

Based Poland, better than stinky g*rmans

Idk desu, they might make hunting them illegal unless they have overpopulation issues

How many am*ricans have you murdered today, my fellow european supersoldiers

Real talk: the Alamo is tiny and boring as fuck and you can properly tour the whole thing in like 10 minutes.

If you ever take a trip to San Antonio, the real things worth checking out are the Riverwalk, Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels, and the government buildings in downtown Austin.

Post boipussy

Because most of the permanent damage Europeans did to their nature and wildlife was done thousands of years ago. Americans only had a hundred years to destroy theirs until Western civilization had evolved far enough to become conscious of it and work to protect it.

They have. American Buffalo and Bison populations have recovered to the point that you can outright legally hunt them now as long as you follow certain rules. They aren’t remotely threatened anymore.

Ty based teddy roosevelt


fuck poland and fuck their bisons

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Western Europeans are egotistical betas who look down on everyone while trying to put on a front of being friendly and educated people. They hate us Brits too, mainly just because we want to leave their new empire known as the EU. Eastern Europeans are alright though, and those along the med.

this, brits were really nice, and Itlaians were very friendly even as I butchered their language trying to speak italian. Germans always brought up trump for some reason

Because America has no culture, history, beauty, or art to speak of. Americans are vapid, superficial insect people who live in fake, disposable, corporate cesspits fueled by soulless, egregiously-unhealthy consumerism and designed exclusively for cars. The places we live foster no sense of community or freedom of mobility whatsoever, and our brain-dead consumerist surroundings don't make anything any better. Even though everyone hates us (as they should), we're still willing to pay thousands of dollars on a vacation to a superior European country just to be able to walk down streets that are actually designed for human beings and pretend we're part of a rich culture we'll never be able to call our own, both things that we don't even deserve to be doing. Being an American is shameful.

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My americans relatives come here in my small village once in a while to connect to their roots. They also invite us to America for family reunions. They are all nice but they look and sound like a living stereotype

americans are build as chads, europeans are skinny and look faggs

it's our diet

If you like nature there is a lot of things to watch in america

If you don't like nature there are only cities and american cities are too similar. In europe there is more variety. I would guess that is the main reason

Culturally America is an outdoorsmen nation, we take our nature very seriously. Europeans on the other hand are very culturally city-centered, favoring lots of activities in the cities over a trip to the countryside. Two completely different cultures.

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>Eurangutangs hate Americans

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outside of peripheral weirdos and retards (the sort of people you meet on Jow Forums), people don't really hate each other for no fucking reason

I notice the inverse of this. When I see a British person I just KNOW. I don't really know why either.

I would much rather go visit a major city and see all the buildings and man-made landmarks than see a bunch of trees for miles on end. At some point it just gets repetitive while cities vary wildly from each other.

So they can see architecture, art history and good food.

Visiting the UK was an eye opening experience, still haven’t been to Western Europe though.

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Outdoors is more fun than the city when you have friends to do it with desu.

perhaps but when I say visiting nature I mainly mean hiking and taking pictures, which isn't very fun if you're just sightseeing, which is what most people sadly only visit nature for.

>Europe is gay tho
t. Has the gay capital of the world

Man-made structures are a lot more impressive to me than nature.
Nature’s nice, but it’s nice everywhere. It’s rarely impressive. Renaissance architecture and medieval castles are genuinely impressive and irreplaceable parts of human history. OP is a massive faggot

the virgin european bugman vs the chad american frontiersman

There's much more than just hiking and taking pictures. There's climbing mountains, hunting, kayaking, etc.

80% of Americans live in urban areas you butthurt faggot

But Iceland isn't a part of the U.S?

Are you telling me that camping isn't America's favorite pastime?

In a good way or a bad way? I always thought that JFs thought this was an ugly country

A lot of that is suburban though, so the point still stands.

>good food
You can go to the Mexican area of any town (just look for the closest meat packing plant) and get better food than anywhere in Europe