Childhood is idolizing Finland

Childhood is idolizing Finland
Adulthood is realizing Sweden is superior...

Attached: finnished.jpg (1704x1069, 200K)

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opinion dismissed

*ptfu ptfui*
that was me spitting on you

Attached: 1541857974674.png (1500x1550, 298K)

opinion discarded

Denmark is the superior nordic country

Attached: tumblr_nl28ouTbdL1rwrg12o1_1280.jpg (574x768, 76K)

Finland is more conservative therefore better.

Whoa, what's the name of this cutiepie?

Denmark is not a nordic country- too continental to be nordic

nice OC! you forgot the Jow Forums watermark, though.

here, take this!

Attached: pickle trollface dab marked for int.png (1704x1119, 758K)


I know

Attached: trollface apu skullkick marked.png (1000x1850, 241K)

True they are half germans desu

Victoria Flamel, she had a Jow Forums themed channel, got doxxed by Jow Forums incels and quit. I really liked her danish videos, i love the way it sounds, no idea why people hate danish

Attached: 1491674527559.jpg (385x385, 24K)

You mean germany-lite?

Kan du göra en som bajsar och dabbar på finland samtidigt?

Finland and Sweden are both equally autistic but Finland is at least somewhat funny whereas Sweden is just pure cringe

meant to reply to (you)

You want war? I give you war

Attached: EB6BA985-79E2-449D-9C78-ECD524EE57E8.png (950x968, 151K)

Östra rikshalvan ska återtas en vacker dag.

Attached: 1540261185164.png (1054x620, 177K)

on it right now, although it will probably be a more general "trollface vs apu" thing than a "sweden vs finland" thing.

Attached: makaveli trollface dab marked.png (800x699, 102K)



Controversial opinion: one day when our resources run dry we will once again cross the border towards the East and kill every living, breathing Finnshit. Every single piece of fertile land will be burnt down and salted so that nothing can ever grow there again. The survivors will be taken as slaves and Fenno-Swedes will be put in ruling positions to rule over what is left of Finland. ( This is just my personal opinion no hate plz )

Attached: Svearnasinvasion.jpg (560x800, 195K)

Attached: apu derp dinner marked.png (1000x3050, 145K)

How would there be survivors if you kill us all?

subsaharan and MENA immigrants will be spared

Attached: sweden stifled laugh marked.png (900x950, 39K) win this round, Finnshit

What about Sami people? Unlike us Finns they are PoC(People of Color) so harming them would be racist

This is how we treat Finns

Based and dabpilled

nope, too wh*te to be integrated into swedish society

Attached: black trollface dab marked.png (800x699, 56K)

itt: delusional swedes who still think anyone respects them
truly the subhumans of europe

Speak carefully, for those might be your last words, infidel

Attached: c32.jpg (1360x768, 136K)


whut up wh*Toid, we LEAFBULLS are allies to the SWEDISH CALIPHATE

See the background? That's Finland, Alhamduillah.

>swedish woman SLAMS finnish man into the ground with her telepathic powers

Attached: golden lel trollface marked.png (780x784, 127K)

He was no match for her

racist killing