How can we get all the MENA people out of Europe ?

How can we get all the MENA people out of Europe ?

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Go home, Abdulrahman.
Italians are our European brothers.
(Terroni aren't Italian)

cringe and bluepilled

You want really restart that?

It has really bad ended last time for you.

Crowds gather for Poland's independence marchMost of the people in the crowd held the national white-and-red flag. But flags could also be seen belonging to the National Radical Camp, a far-right group that is one of the key organizers. The flag shows a falanga, a far-right symbol dating to the 1930s of a stylized hand with a sword.

Also visible are the flags of Forza Nuova, an Italian group whose leader Roberto Fiore unabashedly describes himself as fascist.

Sunday's march is part of celebrations marking Poland's 100th anniversary of statehood regained at the end of World War I after more than a century of foreign rule.

President Andrzej Duda and government had agreed to march with the nationalists on the condition participants only carried the national flag.

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Italians are Arabs in denial, from Bolzano down to Tropea
This race full of thieves and liars has no honour

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founder of ukrainian neonazional party.

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(((((((((white))))))))))))))) shitalian right wingers
They look like a bunch of kikes and Arabs, really makes you think

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He has light eyes.

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He looks pretty European for me
Compare him to the father of all sandniggers

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he is a fucking jew. 100% fucking jew. he even tried to migrate to Izlael but got refused because he was running criminal skinhead gang.

Excuse me, are those identitarians or refugees?

You think so? I assumed this is jews look like.

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Well buon giorno my white friends.

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But that's a Japanese man.

A fucking kike looks more European than an (((European))) Italian gentleman

Based, our bro nation arrived

we must remove it*lians from the apennine peninsula and repopulate it with slovenians

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what are you talking about thats a 100% all italian man

For make it an Eastern European country, i.e a shithole?
No thanks, we'll take care of that.

you can have piemonte and sardinia, alright?

You aren't in position for negotiation.

uhhhhh im sorry, who's idea was it to genocide the italians?
we get dibs

Stop bully Italy.

Not if we get the idea to genocide the Slovenians too.
Think about it.

you can have sardinia
take it or leave it.

Gib back istria

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French is talking about shitholes, wew.

No comment.

I leave.

man those assholes, why would a country take a part of another country that doesn't belong to them in any shape or form right?

>my north tyrolean ass is on fire

Based Mike Enoch

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what is it with italians and taking territory that has little or no italians living in it and claiming it is "theirs"?

It's a joke

never mess with FN

Attached: FORZA-NUOVA-umbria-2015.png (1063x739, 1.02M)

because slavs are actually subhumans and need to be replaces by gods chosen people, the italians

>people in Europe look different depending on where they're from

Once the jewish state ceases to exist then they will probably go home out of their own free will.

I'm seeing double!

The MENA invasion is happening... soon all of E*rope will be BROWN