Wow, Swedish men look like THAT?

Wow, Swedish men look like THAT?

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This is a Swedish woman who is considered 10/10 here

Why does he have such big nostrils?

Thats a man (female)

to sniff out beyata leftists

i like him shaved better

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I'm not sure if he's trying to look like Heeman.

Typical Swedes do not look like that.

Literall albino monkeys


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He looks like bleached nigger with long hair.

No wonder why Swedecucks love niggers so much.

He's ethnic Finnish from Sweden jackass, just like Pewdiepie.

I respect him for the work he has put into building an aesthetic body, but IMO his brother has a much more naturally aesthetic face than him.

He looks a negative black anyway

she looks like a little gremlin but I would still go out with her because I'm lonely

jesus imagine if those two would mate

its her glasses. shes cute and i bet she has lots of cool stories to tell. would date any day

How does he look black?

dio mio...

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based poofta

dios mio..
la creatura del blanco

Not true.

his brother is an eastern swede, golden one is western


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