>If you find yourself engaged in sexual activity against your wishes with a migrant or a group of migrants, do not resist, bring attention to yourself or use any racist remarks. Make the situation as comfortable as possible for the migrant or migrants. Such guidelines also apply if you find a spouse, child, family member or anyone engaged in sexual activity with a migrant; do not intervene or bring attention to the situation. Try to understand their culture and difficult situation; migrants have travelled thousands of miles and have been neglected of female intimacy, a natural human right. Sex is a normal part of life, and consent is not a concept in their home countries nor under the teachings of Islam. These migrants are Swedish, however need time to adjust. After the migrant or migrants are finished, visit your doctor at a convenient time to be tested for sexually transmitted diseases. Due to the high prevalence of HIV and AIDS in their former homelands, we recommend HIV testing in 6 months time to determine whether you have seroconverted and need to be put on antiretrovirals. In cases where you are injured critically, such as profusely bleeding from the anus or vagina, call an ambulance immediately. Most importantly, in all cases, do not mention the circumstances to protect the rights of minorities. The Government of Sweden advises you not to report the assault to social media as this constitutes wilful promotion of xenophobia and racism under the Swedish Penal Code and the government prosecutes such crimes to the full extent of the law. Do not report any supposed sexual encounters as sexual assaults to the police as it is government policy not to prosecute migrants due to cultural misunderstandings. Thank you for your co-operation. Finally, the Swedish government wishes to remind you that psychiatric care is available free of charge if you find yourself in distress after your sexual encounter.
Jow Forumslets help Jow Forums make a coin to troll sweden
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100% chance it goes viral if we mail 5M cuck pamphlets to everyone in Sweden
You need to go back.
How did sweden became such cucks?
Into the oven you go.
Nope, sorry
Sweden must be the sacrifice for the rest of the world to wake up
Help us bizzlet. 5M cuck pamphlets hitting every Swedish household just before Article 13 in the EU is voted on for fake news. Chaos, glory and hundreds of millions of people hearing about the ethnocoin.
They put an actual cuck in the pamphlet? Kek
>not knowing the power of Jow Forums
that looks shopped
Sambo getting that prime swedish pussy, those hands ready to grab those tits. I bet Sven is happy sharing his wife with a poor immigrant.
I think it's more about not putting it past Sweden to be so cucked
das rite whyte boi
how can white """males""" compete?
Seriously can someone help us make a coin? Some Jow Forumslet said something about erc20?
Seems legit
the logo should look something like this. like humaniq but when you mine the token you are obligated to send it to a person of colour. this is the revolutionary swedish kottbullar blockchain 3.0 founded upon ideals of socialism, communism and cuckminism.
yes help make the cuckchain and the cuckcoin
how do we do it/
post a bounty? or contact the gubberment to make it, they are already planning to make e-kronor to help their shitty economy.
TYPO in the word "targetted" in this slide; should read "targeted"
>asking biz a codemonkey question
you're setting yourself up for failure
but here's some help:
1. take the code from any open source coin
2. rename it and start own chain
3. mine it and fud it
4. done
5. set it up on exchanges (costs money)
Not your personal army
Even nazis are a joke in sweden.
You are jewish.
This is the current leader of swedish democrats.
>when you see white people getting raped by blacks and arabs
Oy yey!
How about instead of mailing them worthless cuck pamphlets you mail them redpills on the nature of the jew?
>Jow Forums hasn't turned into the kikes
nigga we the jews now
> "The Jews use every possible means to undermine the racial foundations of a subjugated people. In their systematic efforts to ruin girls and women they strive to break down the last barriers of discrimination between them and other peoples. The Jews were responsible for bringing negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jews might dominate.
> For as long as a people remain racially pure and are conscious of the treasure of their blood, they can never be overcome by the Jew. Never in this world can the Jews become masters of any people except a bastardized people. That's why the Jews systematically endeavour to lower the racial quality of a people by permanently adulterating the blood of the individuals who make up that people."
Hitler's own words, from Mein Kampf.
What is going on in Jow Forums? Are they actually planning to send millions of leaflets to swedes telling them to not resist being raped by dindus?
No one will help(especially for free), now go back to your echo chamber faggot. Besides, I doubt even 10% of biz posters and lurkers combined can actually make a crypto
>Jow Forums
>are they actually
Based as fuck
As a Britfag I find this blatant cultural appropriation triggering.
Somebody punch this nazi plz!
Also fuck Sweden.
Is uncle Putin paying for all of this?
The downfall of the west? Nah, that's the jews.
No, Jow Forums, neonazis, altright and rest of this shit. That's what's weakening the West.
Doesn't prove me wrong. Your picture actually proves me right if Putin is a jew puppet like you are implying.
Yes skinheads are untermensch who don't grasp the essence of national socialism and use it as an excuse for violence and pointless racial hatred.
However, the juden are promoting multiculturalism for the West and nationalism for themselves even going as far as shunning jews who don't marry within their race.
Oy vey, not very open minded or acceptive.