
A proud Islamist General

Attached: falange.png (826x610, 39K)

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I want to kill whitoids!

Attached: jihad.jpg (680x385, 40K)

subedition: marko

absolutely BTFO'd 'zo
now he'll give every Indian flag a free (You) to make up for it

I want toriel to squish her big white furry tits around my willy



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x_{0} = 7 (odd)
x_{1} = 3*x_{0} + 1 = 3*7+1 = 22 (even)
x_{2} = x_{1}/2 = 22/2 = 11 (odd)


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I stand with Subhas Chandra Bose

I'm not the one you were taking to. But yes, I'm a virgin. And yes, I'm proud


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>"Recite Verse 5:11 of the Holy Qu'ran or taste my blade Kaffir"

What do?

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whiskey river take my miiiiiiiiiiiiind

israel kino borders should be israel + palestine + sinai


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wish I could blast sand niggers from a comfy chair

This is a pro-Israel general. Long may the flag of Israel fly over Jerusalem and the Holy Land.

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he's fucking seething lad
tears rolling down his cheek as he furiously types out virgin over and over again

isnt that a sikh?

Based and redpilled but I was talking about WW1



based Virgin. mummy ko bolo rishta le aaye


Recreational cannabis is legal in 10 of 50 states as of now.

That's 4/20ths of all states.

don't know that one
will wonderwall do?

I was in the same city as guru Gobind Singh ji (the guy who militarized Sikhism)

/brit/ is a BASED HINDU general, fuck off shitskin

it's looking HIGHLY likely that I'll be necking myself before 30, having managed to alienate all of my family and friends

probably civilians or british troops

>lying in bed with the leftie gf talking about the internet
>she asks if I've heard of incels
>"haha, what you mean like the technology company?
>no, they're like these really weird repressed guys on the internet who hate women for not having sex with them.
>oh really, that's so sad haha

She can never know.

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Loved it when chloe green turned down jeremy meeks because he wasn't a billionaire


to be quite fair I think the world would be better if there were lots of Jews and zero Arabs

what's it like to have such a VF fetish?
imagine if you got hard every time you saw a womans elbow
or a zip up jacket

A dank victory for liberty and common sense.

kyle my dude that's so frickin epic!

*whipping noise*

Want the one on the left to sit on my face while the middle one rides me


peng post

Would shag a slag.

yea, sand niggers

>leftie gf
Christ, GRIM
my gf is a lovely rorke like me (she's mild about it though, and rarely political)

any fellow eyecontactless virgins in?

got a semi when female friend of mine sent me a drawing of legs

Parents especially dad periodically starts talking about getting a bahu to fix my NEETdom

wedding party confirmed.

I imagine myself in Amritsar, our job is to kill I*dian dogs.

They keep coming and coming, but with my Kashmiri bro we keep sniping those Dravidian bastards.

Of the opinion that Henry Cavill is the kind of good looking/handsome that only appeals to other straight men, but rarely to women. Never, if ever, see him rated as attractive in the mainstream. On the other hand, on Jow Forums you've got lots of lads admiring him as the epitome of masculine looks wishing to be held in his arms. Think it's because he has traits most men will innately desire for themselves - a strong jaw, good facial aesthetics, well-built, and brimming with confidence. Hairline a bit shit? Balding's a genetic inevitability for a lot of men, but also has that (precarious) link with high test.

why are you posting a bssed Sikh but talking about the quran? absolute fucking spacker

what exactly compelled a bunch of aussies and kiwis to go fight and die against a bunch of random kebabs, with who they had literally zero previous knowledge of/acquaintance with in Gallipolli?

fuck off josie

There is no excuse to be fat

How can it be genetic if obesity has increased by 90% in 25 years?? Stop shovelling shite in your mouth, obesity is a choice.

thin privilege in action here lads

chup kar behen k lode

spaffed on my own face last night
twas grim

I don't even have the confidence to look in my own eyes. I've failed myself. Only look in the mirror during haircuts

Shoulder to waist ratio is everything.

wtf am i supposed to do now i completed the rdr 2 story

well lads the time for me to leave has arrived... Alas,I must finally depart but not before I sow a little seed of doubt in your otherwise menopausal, barren general. My question is: guess whose smoking a FAT SPLIFF?

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The raging desire to be fucked in the bumhole by some bloke who called himself "king".

100% cuck scum.

What the fuck is drill music

not British culture

Nobody knows, they are an impulsive and hot headed people

State of you.

State of you blud, get on modern tings innit?

Just change your diet. Just reduce eating. Not so hard

I want to be fat

Collateral murder

fuck yanks

found out why im depressed now its time to undo it

>be British
>have based monarchy, their rule sanctioned by God himself
>be Irish
>have some random fuck as President

lol weirdos

playing the black and decker as an instrument

surely it can't be that simple?

220lbs 6:0 teetering on obese

British culture ki maa ki aankh. angrezon ka culture hai kya? bas India ko lootna aur kya lmaooooo

>Invade Afghanistan for no fucking reason then get HISPANIC and BLACKED

Fuck is their problem?

And Allah said smite the unbelievers, burn down their houses and take their women

It's why they keep getting BTFO in wars against farmers.

The endpoint of multiculturalism. Black teens screeching into HD cameras, stabbing each other and filling our A&E departments with crying parents shouting "he never did nuffin to nobody" before they gracelessly expire.

>A random poo stinking Pajeet

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Alri lads what have you done to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom today?

I slept through the morning in silence and have killed some nazis on Call of Duty and will be watching They Shall Not Be forgotten

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thank you for your help kind leaf


bakwas band karo, panchod

>There is no excuse to be fat
yes there is. living at home when mummy cooks delish food
been skinny all my life but I'm starting to develop somewhat of a belly neet life is grim

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If you like girls you're no friend of mine. I'm sorry but I still have values (ever heard of them? MMH?) and your precious so called "vaginas" are simply revolting to men of taste like me.

How do you get fat in the first place?


I honoured those who fought for freedom at Easter.

No it was done to kill Islamic pigs. Some peaceful Sikh leader went to meet Aurangzeb for peace treaty but Aurangzeb brutally murdered him and hung him on a tree. Before that Sikhism was peaceful like Buddhism/Jainism


wore a WWI trench hat in bed
now wearing a black watch ball cap with a dog on it

Why do people buy apple when they can buy a OnePlus at half of its price and get better performance?