/brit/: Show racism the red card

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first for low test dutch

poland? more like impoverished shithole

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Absolute tune

Low Test Virgins OUT

ROCHAS edition

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I had a large Polish sausage hot dog for lunch
Very tasty.

Love schizophrenics
Hate low test virgins

Simple as.


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French made a right mess of Vietnam didn’t they

Japanese girls: Look at me look at me i'm so cute tehee i love handsome white men
Me, as a handsome white man: You disgusting pan faced freak

fuck off, /brit/ is a proud mills brothers general

Anything France touches is a shithole. Look at Paris.

My testes are okay

One more swig and that's brekky done
About 5 standard drinks gets me ready for the day

mental how people actually believe in god. was thinking about this at church earlier today
there are actually people in this world who genuinely think the creator of the whole god damn universe is on their side. like holy fuck. what an amazing feeling to have if you truly believe that. a supernatural being helping you with all the mundane problems of your shitty life. envy religious people desu. they're probably happier on average 2bh

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unironically my biggest problem in life right now is that too many women want to have sex with me
VFs need not reply to this post

I'm skep

Thank you intelligent leaf
I reached 1

eternally based british vf island poster

I like Polish Hunter's sausage.

yeah going to blame the commies on this one


>believing in god must mean a christian or other popular religions god
Fucking retarded brainlet dunning kruger

Paris is still one of, if not the, most wonderful cities in the world.

LOVED my time in Paris and can't stop thinking about it

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reasons no one respects me at work:

>I'm a pale, underweight, skelly with a 4/10 face
>poor social skills bordering on autism
>appear cold and standoff-ish due to shyness
>live with my mum at age 26 so not perceived as a 'real' adult
>there is no advantage to knowing me with respect to climbing the social ladder since I have no pals at work

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Brits. Ho Chi Minh was on their payroll.

When I went there was piles of rubbish in the streets and the place smelled like shit.

>unironically my biggest problem in life right now is that too many women want to have sex with me
>VFs need not reply to this post

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See that’s very nice user, very good but THIS is a TUNE

>Syrian Christians are as bad as Muslims
explain yourself
obviously referring to the Biblical god, man

World's most visited city.

we voted brexit fuck off

>>I'm a pale, underweight, skelly with a 4/10 face
>>poor social skills bordering on autism
>>appear cold and standoff-ish due to shyness
Me but I'm not really shy or a push over

leftypol meet up last night
went out rorke bashing afterwards ha

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World's most visited toilet.

There's a mental condition similar to PTSD for when Japanese people go to Paris and it's so shit compared to what they expected they go into shock.

you're obsessed, Gearoid

Sorry I'm a Diest. Also Gods could refer to the gods that look over our world, no old, primordial gods.

London is infinitely better

nope not convinced

Are people who think they have feminine body features gay?

Top tier

people respect me because the rest of my team are unreliable useless mongs. if someone wants something done right they come straight to me.

London's ok but I wouldn't want to live there.

Only brainlets unironically talk about invisible sky people.

the current girl I'm seeing is pretty much perfect except the sex is dead it's a crying shame

This is basically my attitude
It also frustrates me that as a smart but lazy vf I would have had a better position in society back when it needed god but I'm also part of the group that fell straight into atheism once society stopped needing him

The City of Lights. THE finest in the world bar none.

why do people fetishise Paris so much? never been there but it all looks so fake and touristy

alrigh jimmy saville


the delivery gets me shaking my head in amazement at how good the song is every time

>Only brainlets unironically talk about invisible sky people.

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ok now THIS is hat

I have a feminine butt and eyelashes but I'm not gay.

what looks fake about it?

Franch is us a's greatest allie

>whisky emoji

How much money to change your mind

anyone remeber the niggio meme?

>Paris is still one of, if not the, most wonderful cities in the world.

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This is so wholesome



Paris is really nice and the girls are fit
they got rid of all the refugees too, no idea where they put them

you can shove paris, for me, it's rochdale

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Business idea; Post rorke and lefty posts so when Theresa May starts arresting people for posts, she doesn't know whether to arrest you or not


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B-but you don't know what the rest of me look like.

Why do they do that with their mouths?

I know my girls sleeps around
When I'm at home safe and sound
She's somewhere going down
On a dick that's big and brown

But I don't mind
I don't have the time
I don't consider it a crime
Our love is eternal

>3.98 MB, 224x224

fuck off you stupid rodent

the Indian who made disparaging comments about the Syrian Christian community has gone in hiding
absolute disgrace

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anyone remeber the cuckio meme

I got myself checked on klinefelter's but my testerone are too high for it but maybe I'm gay

90% of British towns look like this


Yes, the British employee Ho Chi Minh. I know all about him.

London is smelly and suffocating

It doesn't seem real, if that makes sense. Theres no way Paris is some magical love city like everyone says. Maybe I'm just jaded.


thinking about replaying rdr2 even though i just beat it
nothing else to do with my time

What are some good things to eat when you have diarrhea and throwing up? I feel awful.


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Oats and lots of water

final redpill:
the hobbit films are not that bad

Chili cheese dogs

Make toast and overdo it, as black as you can stand to eat it.


hello actual, literal shitskin

Virgin FREAK!

plain toast and charcoal pills

paris is a globalised shithole much like longon or new york with little identity left beyond architecture
but i will admit the architecture is nice

the greasiest piece of pizza imaginable