How restrictive should free speech laws be in your Country?
How restrictive should free speech laws be in your Country?
freeze peach is a meme.
In what way?
>freeze peach
You need to go back
Unironically redditpilled
As it is is pretty good
tumblr is unironically better than Jow Forums
Its illegal to censor free speech here
Imagine going to prison because of a salute lmao
>Spain is the country that supports freedoom of speech the most.
Europe is doomed....
Someone want talk?
They can talk
You want make them no talk?
You no have right
All can talk with no jail
Jesus Christ Germany
That's pretty based.
can employers fire employees for exercising free speech?
Free speech is not really considered important here, ya know?
The world should be like that
[This comment has been removed by German Censure Bureau]
I am against free speech. It is a concept designed to allow the subversion of society. Hatred cannot be tolerated. The intolerant must be made to shut up so that we can have peace.
In the US nobody can force you to not speak your mind either. You dont get arrested. The question I’m asking is whether it’s illegal to simply ostracize people who say “offensive” things.
Yeah but proxyfag retards like you should just shut the fuck up
I support all free speech, unless that speech is supporting zionism
Zionism warrants the death penalty
I am not a proxy. Why are you being confrontational? Did you have a bad day?
>Society is always right
The current liberal society must be defended from the forces of fascism, racism and nationalism.
>unless that speech is supporting zionism
Free speech is the most essential freedom, desu
I am just using my freedom of speech to tell you to shut the fuck up and stop making such shitty, abhorrent threads though
Its always bootlicking one way or the other isnt it hans?
It really is time we gave the Germans another thrashing.
The current society allows public hatred towards whites and white males, just not hatred towards non-whites. It doesn’t stop racism, only racism towards specific groups, which is why you shouldn’t let the government dictate what you can and can’t say.
no idea
I spend so much time online I have no clue what happens here
What you would prefer more race baiting, gay, kara boga, gnome posts or generals? I am asking what you shoukd be allowed to say in your country.
It is not bootlicking to defend freedom and justice from the forces of evil.
There cannot be racism against white people. Whites hold systemic power in the west.
Guatemala poster is a regular on Jow Forums, who the fuck are you to say what he can and can’t post? Fuck off hans.
>I want other people to dictate what I can and can't say/do
I fucking hate modern people
>He unironically believes intersectionality bullshit
Either you believe racism is wrong in every case or not wrong at all. Fuck off.
>How restrictive should free speech laws be in your Country?
If there are restrictions, there is no free speech.
Racism is wrong period. However, racism against those who have power is not an issue compared to racism to those without.
Thanks dude
They are going to get what is coming to them in 10 to 20 years.
your thread is the very first thing you mentioned lmao
does my freedom of speech bother you?
>b-but brits hate free speech
Jews have more power than anyone and it’s not acceptable to bash them. I just blew the fuck out of this dumb argument.
It is what you are allowed to say though?
Freedom of speech is overrated. There will always be manchildren in any society that want to be able to say whatever pops into their head without consequences and because they are children they a competent adult needs to be there to chastise them or put them on time-out.
of course, your thread is shit, go get beheaded with a chainsaw already
What is the Holocaust you dumb Nazi?
Why do germans hate freedom so much?
I love freedom, specially the freedom to call you a retarded mutt lol
Man Germans can be cringe
Fug what did he wrote?
>It only matters that somebody tried to genocide Jews, Slavs don’t matter
You didn't mention Slavs. You mentioned Jews.
free speech is a meme, deep down nobody wants to let their enemies speak
even America doesn't have complete free speech
I mentioned that there is a double standard. Why can you hate on Slavs but not Jews?
You can't. It is racist to hate Slavs and you will go to prison for promoting it.
You can very much promote hatred towards Russians but not Israelis as a roundabout way to hate on an ethnic group.
No you cannot. People have gone to prison here for promoting hatred of eastern Europeans.
what about russian jews?
I call bullshit on the graph. Besides, no regulations should exist in my ideal country, but at the same time it's not that bad here atm.
For example, contrary to what many believe (the great majority of Italians included), denying the holocaust here isn't a felony.
It'll only "aggravates" a racially motivated assault. Weird law that's probably set up solely with the purpose of raising the jail time in that particular case, which fully qualifies it as a "racial law", funnily enough, as it doesn't apply if you assault an Armenian being an Armenian genocide denier.
Do you think this how it should be in all countries?
Okay, let’s back this argument up then, why is it fine to point towards whites as some group in power but not Jews? The whole basis for intersectionality is that whites are overrepresented in society in terms of wealth and power, so it’s fine to question why they are so much better off than other racial groups, but you can’t ask the same question about Jews? Why are they overrepretened in society at a magnitude far beyond whites on average, and why isn’t it fine to criticize how they reached such a position just as it’s fine to do with whites?
Why should whites trust that once they have lost their supposed advantage over others in society that oppression won’t be turned back against them when there’s another group that can hide behind the identity of being Jewish to escape similar criticism?
Anybody with a pinch of honesty thinks truth fears no investigation.
>muh free speech
who even invented this meme
>boo hoo i can't say some dumb shit that i feel like saying
who gives a shit, just shut up then, it's not like it's going to kill you
Jow Forumsernational ⏱
Well that sounds nice
>My college professors never told me how to deal with problematic arguments I should just put my head in the sand
Still better than get shot for no particular reason
I won't bother to, first I don't care about the topic, second, you don't really merit an answer