Diversity is codename for White genocide

>diversity is codename for White genocide

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Race mixing is Brown genocide

it is in first world countries though

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>everyone that isn't white is the same

Yeah all non whites are subhumans. You can see it by the countries



white genocide is just an internet meme

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>diversity is our strength

Attached: brainlet.png (320x348, 57K)


>A neighbourhood filled with Finns, Irish, Swiss, Romanians, Czechs, Portuguese Russians and Dutch and Spaniards isn't diverse because they are all white
>However a 99% Mexican neighbourhood is diverse


Fucking Americans.

Attached: 1322798589001.jpg (384x395, 41K)

>>>/Jow Forums/
>what is merit, irregardless of ethnicity

>A neighbourhood filled with Finns, Irish, Swiss, Romanians, Czechs, Portuguese Russians and Dutch and Spaniards isn't diverse because they are all white
>However a 99% Mexican neighbourhood is diverse

Attached: 1539780390117.png (760x540, 349K)

That would still mean that diversity is'nt a strength.
The meme still stands

literally every wh*Toid alive

>A neighbourhood filled with Finns, Irish, Swiss, Romanians, Czechs, Portuguese Russians and Dutch and Spaniards

Merit is less important than racial diversity. This is why we have affirmative action policies. It's important to ensure that our institutions aren't filled by simply the most qualified people.

Love this white genocide meme

Watch the video, you cunts

can't we just kill pathetic whitey and get it over with already? why drag it out so they can pollute and terrorize their surroundings needlessly.

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i wanna do white genocide with a qt brown girl

She was being racist. Black people act violently only in response to white racism and police oppression.

diversity is a secondary effect derived from a natural selection based on merit, we're approaching a meritocracy
affirmative action is wrong without proper context, I agree

t. blind NPC

>diversity is a secondary effect derived from a natural selection based on merit
No it relly isn't though

They do though. "Diverse" means skin colour to them.


Hey that wasn't your meritocracy that gave mandatory diversity points for black people attempting to reach college or something ?

>no one says that
But they do.

Even if they don't knowingly think it, people associate "diversity" with non-white people on an unconscious level.

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They literally did in the video he linked which you didn't bother watching

Yea, as long as merit is the only consideration, diversity and proportionate representation will certainly be achieved. We know this will happen because all groups of people have exactly the same the same preferences and abilities. For example, I expect the NBA to become 14% Black, 60% White, 18% Latino and 5% Asian sometime in 2020. Any day now.

>A neighbourhood filled with Finns, Irish, Swiss, Romanians, Czechs, Portuguese Russians and Dutch and Spaniards isn't diverse
Since when having whites, asians, slavs, gypsies and arabs isn't diverse

>Mexicans aren't diverse.

Well it's code for ethnic replacement of whites and a lower quality of life for whites

Attached: diversity is a strength 2.jpg (484x537, 119K)


Attached: US medical school acceptance rates by race.jpg (1286x384, 195K)

How fucking weak is that nigger with the red sweatpants? Literally had 19 clean shots to the back of a female's head while she was being punched by 3 other people and he didn't even rock her. That's absolutely insane

*shoots up a school*
I'm sure that causes a great toll on the quality of life too, but muh gunz!!!!

Attached: massshootings.png (1124x533, 67K)

Per capita asians did the most according to that and arabs count as white people so its not even fair.

shouldn't you be hiding like a rat from bolsonaro commie trash?

>great toll on the quality of life
not really, you're more likely to die from lightning

whites are under-represented as a proportion of population in your graph btw

Asians and Arabs have a small population so they don't count


Attached: le epic troll discord.png (1312x935, 674K)

Well, since hispanics also count as white people, it's unfair to say that they cause a drop on the quality of life

Attached: whitepeopleinamerica.jpg (950x942, 192K)

56/97 is almost exactly their proportion of the us population

I don't get this reference

are you retarded?

in 1980 it was ~82%, in 1990 it was 76% and 2012 it was 62% so whites are well under-represented

The world would be such a better place without all of those minorities.

Attached: The World Would Be Such a Better Place.gif (640x360, 2.99M)

>someone shoots up a school
>tells everyone it was because they are depressed, alienated, and rejected by society
>lets blame the guns

That source of that graph is this report.


Here are four individuals listed as white by the report.

>Sulejman Talovic
>Abdelkrim Belachheb
>John Zawahri
>Elliot Rodger

epic troll. epic post, epic funny XD


>the eternal sw*de

>all brown people come from the same place haha fuck this fake "diversity"

ah yes


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No two shits are the same but I still consider each and every shit to be shit

Sounds like a NY neighborhood
They aren't that diverse.

Fucking based stealthy reconquista. The dick is stronger than the pen or the sword. If only we could put our people into positions of power to seal the deal forever...

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>depressed, alienated, and rejected by society
None of these things fire high velocity gas ejected projectiles that kill.

>our race is so materialistic that we rather have nice things and travel instead of having kids.
>somehow this is everybody else's fault but ours.

It is

it's a codename for white suicide
white genocide has never been real, white suicide always has