Anyone else here think there is unironically will never be never going to be above a bullrun anymore?

Anyone else here think there is unironically will never be never going to be above a bullrun anymore?

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Here. If you didn't make it in 2017, you won't make it at all.

I gave up on bullruns after selling @ 19k.
Invested everything in BCH @ 700. I don't see much profit in the next 3 years, but its still a profit.

You hit the bull on its head and killed it.
You are selfish. You did what is good for you, congrats.

But you sold the world.

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Hedera hashgraph is going to blow the doors off this bitcoin shit. Jow Forums will fud the permissioned governance, patents and accredited investor round, but it's clearly superior technology with actual math proofs and market validation. Be thankful I took the time to tell you this

We gonna get rek'd !!!

The bullrun starts this month. Check the charts.

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If there isn't you can still make money.

Just invest in things that actually will be of use on the blockchain.

Supply chain and energy coins are good examples

too depressed to even conjecture


>Anyone else here think there is unironically will never be never going to be above a bullrun anymore?

what kind of a sentence is that even

you know what that means boys

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I doubt we are about to see something like last summer, but I am pretty sure we are only weeks away from the next (short) bull run.

We are doomed. There is no escape. There is no cashing out.

There will be a massacre.

I dont feel it anymore

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Took my (modest) profits and started a business, making $10k net a month for little work

Stop chasing shitcoins and do something productive

>may: bullrun starts this month
>June: bullrun starts this
>July: bullrun starts
> August: bullrun

No its not. Its fucking dead.

why did you say something so evil?

>Invested everything in BCH
lmao good one user

More like boredom.

Forever BARTED

Sell it all before it sideways for years going down

What type of business?

Lol ok faggot

Take a nice long look at pic related. Do you realize that blockchain technology is just a tiny speck on the bottom right of this chart?

>muh bearmarket


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My theory: Bull run will start holiday season. People start shopping and spending becomes a habit. Also people are looking to make back some of the money wasted on gifts. Many people with good jobs get xmas bonuses. We'll see BTC or BCH go to $50K

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>Anyone else here think there is unironically will never be never going to be above a bullrun anymore?
Think i contracted pajeet aids

Yeah I bet you perfectly timed the top. It’s amazing that every biz poster is a hawkish wolf bull that times tops and catches falling knives with ninja dexterity. You are in danger of ruining this psyop you literal child.

>stocks retuning a 2x in the actual world (not your fantasies) are considered exceptional.

You do realize this board is anonymous no one will strike your larp ego...

>Inuit whale blubber recipe archive.

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There probably won't be a bullrun similar to what happened in late 2017. The January crash should be a huge wake-up for anyone still delusional about crypto. Market cap doesn't mean shit. Popularity doesn't mean shit. Technology doesn't mean shit. At the end of the day, people just using crypto to get more fiat. Anyone who's still in the green should get out while they still can.

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Anyone else here think there is unironically will never be never going to be above a bullrun anymore?

“-stroke” your faggot shit stain ego...

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There's a lot of LARP but I know a couple of people that dropped at 15-16k. Same dudes that trolled me into LINK.

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There will be one more grab for anyone who bought in at 20k ATH. Within the next 3 years we will see one more run that will make many whales. On the decent from 80-100k ath (or equivalent rise in another currency) there will be an actual crash. Barely a flippening. I'd imagine certain groups would love for some of us to become THE whales when they are done making money off of this. There are many here that cannot wait to wreck the normies who get shredded after the final bullrun. This makes us easy puppets, we do not know the laws and the game of old money that most world governments will fight wars to protect. The victims of the final bullrun are the prophetical normies, with their broken puppy dog eyes on CNN crying about this ponzi scheme that sound like poorly written Jow Forums shitposts. Those who remain in this space long term will have to develop a new set of personal ethics to keep this space alive through the hand of the market, it will a beautiful thing for all future economies. Crypto will become a political issue, we cannot tune out or have our ears clouded by greed when this happens. Technocracy is coming in larger and larger doses, and it will get Orwellian as fuck soon enough without strong minds and minimal greed. The intention has always been to make those that pay attention rich enough to ignore the things that can go seriously wrong with an almost evolutionary technological revolution that is unfolding while most of the world sleeps, I'd imagine.

man it feels good to have been a nocoiner all this time

people seriously thought the future value of an individual blockchain token would go up, or that it even had any real value to begin with, because the technology backing it would be adopted