Do girls in your country also do this?

Do girls in your country also do this?

Attached: 1541980538426.jpg (1280x1174, 394K)

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not enough

i wish

Attached: 1539804737211.jpg (769x681, 100K)

Yes. Loathsome.

I like her butt

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>laws that prevent degeneracy
what's the problem?

Being a slave to religion is the opposite of being liberated. Also, honour killings are technically oppression.

lmao, as Europe by now doesnt have that. You are slow, aren't you?

I wonder how liberated those women who had acid thrown in their faces feel.

It doesn't lead to death sentences like in the Middle East, Özil.

>It doesn't lead to death sentences
For now, but dont forget that there are people in hiding in Europe because of "blasphemy".
Where is the Jesuischarlie-brigade, by now?

>For now, but dont forget that there are people in hiding in Europe because of "blasphemy".
Because we're importing backward Muslims, who are used to oppression in their home countries and apply the same principles in Europe. No surprise here.
Get rid of them and you won't be able to deny that our society is liberated, in the non-derogatory meaning of the word.

They used to ;)

Attached: arn.jpg (1280x720, 213K)

>Get rid of them and you won't be able to deny that our society is liberated
>European Council or EU
>Kicking Muslims out
Keep dreaming.
>B, but there will be nationali-
Keep dreaming.

>one country in Europe has comparatively mild blasphemy laws
>this means europe as a whole has blasphemy laws
Go back to Turkey

Not saying it's possible, I'm just saying that they're the reason behind what you're describing. Gee, just how desperate to have the last word are you, dirty fucking roach?

The muslims will never leave or be expelled,that dream is gone.However future generations will not give a fuck about the desert pedophile but start forgetting about a ''white europe''.Europe will become just like the united states,a multicultural(which already was but I mean in terms of races) multiethnical continent where nationalism will be more and more despised and europeanism will be preffered.
In the future children will be surprised about hearing how europeans were once rulling the world but are now seeing their countries plagued with at least 20% non-indigenous population maybe more.

nope. even the muslims here don't want refugees.

There are retards in every country my guy

>implying blasphemy is cool
Not a fan of honor killings but it's usually about girls whoring around and stuff like that. So, the intention is not that bad, just the solution is.
t. Catholic

I've never seen a based Muslim or a Jew in my life, only Christcucks.

Stop sending them here pls

That anglo bitch has got a big booty