How are you preparing for the Asian century?

Attached: 1541937652831.jpg (640x640, 101K)

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shitposting on Jow Forums

by being alone and crying myself to sleep every night with the future potential of killing myself so that women of the asian century never have the privilege of being my gf

Real Thais don't look like that. Her dad is white guaranteed. And what exactly will be Thailand's contribution to this so-called "Asian century"? Will it be in the form of providing ladyboys?

I have fucked better

Based ameribro. Countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines will come out as ASEAN big bois by the turn of the next century. Thailand will still be an irrelevant shithole whose only contribution is providing tranny boipussy like it always has been.

your cousin doesn't look that good m8


>inferior food in general (especially compared to Thai cuisine)
>inferior martial arts (especially compared to Muay Thai)
>poor quality of life leading to boat people bound for Australia
>colonized by Europe but learned nothing
>influenced by worst religion (Islam)
>ugly women with awful fashion sense (even by Islamic standards)
>inferior Javanese genetics
>Jakarta is 20 years behind Bangkok
>non-presence in global consciousness (more people know about Bali)
>unwelcoming to tourists, frequently execute Westerners
>poorly defined national identity
>flag is just Poland flipped upside down
>language is just distorted Malay

4th most populated country on earth and most people don't even know they exist. Indonesians themselves didn't even remember they had a seafaring empire until a Dutch archaeologist stumbled on some ancient ruins and started doing all the research.

Also your women are constantly getting fucked and murdered by foreign men, it's actually getting comical at this point.

>these women willingly got their throats cut after being fucked repeatedly by this man rather than let an Indonesian male touch them

Attached: Rurik-Jutting-banker-murder-trial-Hong-Kong-556328.jpg (620x368, 51K)

>asian century

I'm thinking of becoming a plastic surgeon desu. I'll drown in asian money.

>>inferior food
Stopped reading right there. Stay mad tranny sex slave

By being Asian and learning Chinese and English just in case either fails

kek stay mad, your "people" are literally disposable, especially the women.

Attached: 1541156080000.png (1440x1607, 339K)

By masturbating to kpop dance videos and fancams

Attached: 1538678830237.webm (406x720, 2.99M)

By learning Spanish

Attached: BC32170D-CD12-4656-A75E-19FC797AE2FC.png (640x1136, 59K)

At least one wouldn't confuse over her gender

You wouldn't confuse her with being alive either.

Attached: 1525313633711.jpg (160x225, 9K)

By jerking off to JAV's
Post ladybois

I got engaged to an asian a few months ago. I'm prepared.

Any answer other than this is false.

>inferior food in general (especially compared to Thai cuisine)
2nd rate copy of poo and chink cuisine fuision
>inferior martial arts (especially compared to Muay Thai)
Kali Sayoc & Arnis is used and practiced by US Army and Hollywood films. Never heard of Muay Thai being used as much aside from gay boxing.
>poor quality of life leading to boat people bound for Australia
Wot? Its your neighbors who flees their land to Australia. Have some responsiblity and take care of the muslim refugees.
>colonized by Europe but learned nothing
Tranny culture is nothing to be proud of
>influenced by worst religion (Islam)
Better than Poo origin religion
>ugly women with awful fashion sense (even by Islamic standards)
Pot calling kettle black
>inferior Javanese genetics
See above
>Jakarta is 20 years behind Bangkok
>non-presence in global consciousness (more people know about Bali)
Wanna bet?
>unwelcoming to tourists, frequently execute Westerners
As oppossed to leading sex tourists to their death?
>poorly defined national identity
>flag is just Poland flipped upside down
Your flag is indistinguishable with Costa Rica. Another 3rd World country
>language is just distorted Malay

Weak. You tried to copy me but you failed. Here, watch the master put your shithole in its place:

>still named after a foreign king
>too many languages (all them shitty)
>weakest military in the world
>can't endure a typhoon without losing thousands
>can't recover from a typhoon even years after it hits
>literally the most dangerous place on earth for journalists
>Catholicism (lol)
>most mongrel genetics in the world
>can't rescue hostages without killing them
>about to get curbstomped by China
>humps America's leg to this day even after America genocided them from 1899-1902
>accent sounds like bastardized island spic


They are an embarrassment and an abomination.

Attached: 1413818003143_wps_15_A_U_S_Marine_was_charged_.jpg (636x382, 43K)

Philippines wins.


isn't that the Mexico of Asia?
It even looks like they have look-alike slums there.

No offense man but between Flips and Thais I'll take Thais any day of the week.

I regret to inform you of this, but superior VIET culture will rise as the ASEAN dragon

Based. BJJ + MT forever.

Attached: 62264ef912126c42198446ddf4c48d6f.jpg (400x584, 30K)

And yet, somehow, they manage to be better than your country.

All are future chink slaves.

if a man and a woman love each other then race doesn't matter

Attached: cute couple.webm (1280x720, 2.34M)

By getting vassalized by china

Only based post ITT

good points
bad points

I don't know anything about either countries but based on the level of argument and knowledge of English, Thailand wins by far.

+1 Thai, I will visit your country some day.