I'm too scared to kill myself but I just want it to end. I don't know what to do anymore, I can't go on...

I'm too scared to kill myself but I just want it to end. I don't know what to do anymore, I can't go on. I know going on here isn't the answer but I don't know what to do. Someone, please help me, please, give me some advice.

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Buy pantobarbital

t. furfag

idk what to tell you. You could just start living life really recklessly and eventually you'll probably die.

Do drugs
Fuck trannies
Drink like an irishman
You will die

i feel the same
i dropped out of school this week, 4th time so far in my life
stopped caring about pretty much everything the only thought that occupies my mind now is death, i can't think about anything else since the desire to die is so strong

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I can help you with that. I'm looking for a suicide partner to end our lifes together

I will help you, user.

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I think that in the end, you will end up killing yourselves. I would normally say something along the lines of "Just endure it till you find some kind of meaning" but it sounds very generic and it is not working for me right now.

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>boo hoo I live in a first world country and I'm depressed! Life is sooo hard

just pick up drinking. it'll solve all of your problems

Where are you from

Watch the film
'The Bucket List'

read this.
i was depressed but this made me better.

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Just smoke weed, bro, but unironically.

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become a indian ascetic and starve yourself gradually.

A violent premature death is bad for the soul transition


Start drinking or do drugs.

Don't forget vidya too

Just go watch some cartoons

if you can't live a life, just do whatever you want. Go do drug, fuck some pussies and do some crime

ya'll fags dumb as hell lmao

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depression doesn't care where you live.
everyone feels the same.

Are you quick? Can you do a quickie?

Why though? Lifes already pretty short