You wake up in australia

>you wake up in australia

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Other urls found in this thread:

>going into the waters of far north Australia
What a fucking idiot. Thousands of kilometers of coastline and she chooses the one place notorious for sharks and crocs.

Anyway, further context.
>Melissa Brunning, 34, was on a yacht in the remote Kimberley region in the northwest part of the country, located about 1,550 miles north of Perth, when she tried to hand-feed up to four tawny nurse sharks swimming around her boat.
>Brunning told the West Australian that she didn't realize she shouldn’t hand feed a shark, until the animal became "like a Hoover," sucking her right index finger into its mouth full of rows of razor-sharp teeth.
>“I think the shark was in shock as much as I was ... the only way I can describe it is this immense pressure and it felt like it was shredding it off the bone,” she told the paper. “I came up and I was like, ‘I’ve lost my finger, my finger’s gone.’”

all women should be sent to the coast of far north Australia to be consumed by the myriad horrors of the animal kingdom

actually hilarious

Jesus, this looks like a state propaganda channel more than a news station.

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>Lost a finger by getting it sucked off by a “nurse” shark
Worth it

kek, Lockie will seethe when he finds this thread.

it basically is

So does it mean the shark didn't kill her as it normally would, it just dragged her to the crocs and they ate her? Well that's a plot twist.

Just found it a bit weird, don't usually read part the article when it comes to news sites.
Watching this, pretty funny in a corny sort of way.

Nah, a shark sucked her finger a bit too hard when she tried to feed one and the waters that far north are known to have crocs about. A bit of an overstatement but not entirely wrong.

That’s because it literally is? Do you honestly believe that any media station here in the U.S factually reports the news?

>she didn't realize she shouldn’t hand feed a shark, until the animal became "like a Hoover," sucking her right index finger into its mouth full of rows of razor-sharp teeth.
how fucking dumb do you have to be

We have a lot of dumb people here.

>Brunning told the West Australian that she didn't realize she shouldn’t hand feed a shark
how fucking retarded do you have to be jesus.

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>tawny nurse sharks

Did they make fun of her penis too?

>she didn't realize she shouldn’t hand feed a shark

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I swear Shark attacks have been appearing every day or so in the news for a while.

And yet (((Bob Katter))) warns us its the crocodile population thats exploding. Obviously working for the (((shark))) lobby

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did you just sharksplain to me?

Baswd Bob

Are shark attacks the equivalent of mass shootings?

>ask Australian poster how he can bear to live in a country with footlong spiders
>he asks me how I can live in a country with bears as if that's remotely comparable

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Sharks literally dindu nuffin. You're more likely to die on the toilet than in a shark attack

Nah, strawberry attacks are.

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>muh c-class e-celebs

She sounds really stupid


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Fake news, crocodiles are a species of peace and are merely protecting their already encroached territories.

>no trigger discipline
would never ever trust this man

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holy shit

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>t. nurseoid

This is as funny as the Australian faggot who died after injecting silicone in his scrotum to please his boyfriend who had a big genitals fetish.

>prolapsing shark anus

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we have the same kind of brainlets but they go into the mountains and die because of being dumb

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wait what?

Why are homosexuals so deviant and degenerate? Like fine, fuck eachother in the ass but stop doing stupid shit like this god damn

its fucking australia, i thought all the dumb fucks died a long time ago.

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durrrr i sug woman finger :DDDDDD taste vary gudd :DD

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All the details surrounding their relationship are truly sordid except this one due to its comedic implications

Absolute masterpiece

Crocodiles can live in salty water?

Is this the same shark that laughs at Australian dicks ?


Only superior people are fit for living in the mountains :)


Salt water crocs can
And they're the big ones which actively try to hunt you unlike sharks and kill you by grabbing you and rolling you around underwater until you drown

Based sharks killing wh*Teys

The video is fun

Unironically the one time the 50Y meme made me chuckle.

>Opinion Done Right.

>convicts came from England to Australia
American education.

>Get shitposted

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Oh Good Lord

Hue hue hue

>she didn't realize she shouldn’t hand feed a shark
Mustard race, everyone.


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absolute unit

based BLACK sharks removing wh*Toids

How have you never heard of these? They're the biggest reptiles on the planet

i sense a conflict of interest with this guy

I think you'll find they are known as great WHITE sharks

great wh*tes are actually pussies. everyone knows (BLACK) bvll sharks are the deadliest sharks to wh*Teoids.

>fisherman promoting increased fishing

needs the aussie flag on the girl

Fuck you for doing this to me

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Nice. Another cool wine aunt less in this world...

>Wake up in Australia
>Get Killed by a stingray

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that's crossing the fucking line cunt, he was like a god on earth to us

VERY nice

Real gods don't die

he lives on in each of us

Does his spirit live inside of your mom's vagina?

oh god it's beautiful


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my dick lives in your mum's vagina


>Opinion Done Right.