Would Jow Forums support this?

Would Jow Forums support this?

I certainly do!

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>The alliance wants to hold a referendum on Taiwan's independence in April 2019, change the island's name from the Republic of China to Taiwan, and apply for membership in the United Nations.[74]

My bad

hope they get invaded and fucked in the ass by the prc

I don't, because China would invade.

Not if PRC doesn't want a war with USA

The US would back down

nah drumpf needs a war

This but unironically.

i was being unironic you ladyboy faggot

Shutup you brown asian and suck my dick for 5 bucks

This but ironically.

No we wouldn't. US presidents have historically considered defense of Taiwan as important as NATO.
And Trump has shown zero evidence that he would be any different.

>he wants this to be recognized as an independent country


Make me a new Asus, your graphics cards are defective (unironically).

Why are you calling Costa Rica a ladyboy

Suck me off for it, then let me cuddle you all night and call you pretty.

Why did you have your penis removed just so you could become a prostitute?


They're just jelly of our superior HDI and culture, esé.

Attached: Costa_Rican_Dance_Performance.jpg (4335x2896, 1.95M)

PLA should take Formosa island by force and kill all those traitors, China must be one and undivided

Attached: PLA Marines.jpg (1206x854, 140K)

Why would I need to have my penis removed for that?

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The PRC is fucked lmao

I would if only to watch the prc chimp out and all hell break loose.

China will never allow that, you know this.
They are stuck together for life.

>penis removed
I thought the entire appeal of ladyboys was them having dicks
if you're just going to fuck a gaping hole you might as well just go for a real vagina...

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Id make my dick disappear in her


Attached: taiwan high schools.jpg (580x489, 126K)

those are clearly AR-15s dumbass


according to this taiwan might be able to win a war without any outside help. interesting that according to that cnbc article they want to hold the referendum in april, as that's one of only two months that's suitable for a large scale amphibious operation across the taiwan strait


Taiwan can force everyone to acknowledge the reality rather than play word games with diplomatic missions and we'd get to see how the PLA actually performs in a war, since they haven't fought anybody since the late 80s.

They would, it'd be a matter of survival for the government.

They should do it, China needs to be tested. Whoever loses, the rest of the world wins.

>mfw the next time someone says, "Thailand? You mean TAIWAN, right?" I can finally tell them "No, Taiwan is kill."

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I didn't fully read the article, but I think I know what they're going to say anyways. I also believe that it would be very difficult for China to seize Taiwan, but I don't think Taiwan would win, as China wouldn't give up in all likelihood.

>taiwan can win a war against a nuclear power
I sleep

Why would you nuke territory you were seeking to annex?

Taiwan, Province of China


Why wouldn't you if they started pushing in land? Keep in mind this is in a hypothetical scenario where all of this is happening in a vacuum.

how popular is independence over there? do you think this has a significant chance of winning?

thanks chiang cash-my-check

While I support them in spirit, I highly hope they don't because they're going to get some Chinese Freedom right after that.

The spineless fuck in the oval office would tweet about how awesome Xi is during the invasion

when are you taking back the mainland??

Attached: Chiang Kai-shek.jpg (898x1229, 923K)

Mao was great!

Attached: mao stronk.jpg (2048x1448, 176K)

Fuck China

Taiwan is rad