This is me smoking

You wonder how i ended up like this? It's a long story.

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>Be random White guy
>Go to Russian Asia
>locals make you chief
Can't make this stuff up.

i hate americans

>locals make you chief
? What exactly are you talking about? And White guys?

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That guy isn't white hombre

What is white? Anglo?

no it is a short story. you were born mongol

I mean the picture. That's the average person from Moscow or some other Russian or Ukrainian capital and the locals made him wear that outfit and made him the chief of their favela or whatever they call that place

That's not the story i'm talking about and i'm not mongol, brudda

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Are you dumbass? That guy is bashkir a.k.a me

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Well he was though. He is just larping

Tell me about that. Are you Asian?

You a crazy man, have you checked your mental health at a mental institution, you gone bloody mental m8.

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I mean to ask are you more like Asian or Muslim?

I don't know, i would say eurasian. I don't look necessarily euro nor do i look asian.
>I mean to ask are you more like Asian or Muslim?
I am more like a potato.

What is your religion then?


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Muslim isnt a race

But they are usually of similar race?

Don't tell him.
Yes, just like koreans, latinos and euros are - the christian race.

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No, there are Pakistani Muslims, asiatic/central asian/turkic muslims, southeast asian muslims, turks, arabs, moors, caucasians, etc. None of them are the same race

that's too complicated. they can't all possibly be muslims. caucasian (white) people are usually christian.

Also bosnishitians and analbanians.
Hmmm, it is indeed too complicated to be true.

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koreans are chritstian? no way. they eat dogs. or do you mean the norks? europeans are christian yes. the native europeans, not the refugees.

Tru dat, mah man, tru dat.

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I wanna live in this building

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The Golden Horde must pay reparations for their crime and genocidal racist campaigns in Central Europe and the Middle East, get back to work now.

We were part of golden horde as much as russians were, suck my dick, ugly hispanic goblino nigger, you must pay reparations for much worse things.

Is that Trump

Yes, before he was cursed to become an orange.


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