
come home celtic man edition

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The collapse of the USSR was a mistake

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ancestral homeland of cornwall mentioned.

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shite thread so far

someone peer review my bollocks

why do galicians like to larp as celtics

happened to do my PhD in bollock inspection. post 'em.

nofap for life

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Im a nationalist

Nationalism kills, specially if you live in the UK or Spain

Lack of Anglos cause you lot think a /brit/ thread when it's 4am in Britain is a good idea.

that explains so much


No it doesn't spic

shut up nigger

Love Gold me, might be a jew

you clearly havent heard about separatist movements from there, have you?

hope you don't wear gaudy negro tier jewelry

Kill yourself spic

shut the fuck up beto


Say if I get married to my Canadian gf, and my job falls under something listed in the federal skilled worker programme, citizenship would be easy right?

how would I go about getting a passport even?

can't say I know or care about Mexican separatist movements, no

But here is home


>The United Irish Rising in the St. John's garrison had several implications for the Irish in Newfoundland, and for British governance of its lucrative fishing colony. The Newfoundland rebellion was, as far as is known, the only one to occur which the British administration linked directly to the rebellion in Ireland. The uprising in St. John's was significant in that it was the first occasion on which the Irish in Newfoundland deliberately flouted the authority of the state, and because Britain feared that it might not be the last. It earned for Newfoundland, in the minds of British officials in the Colonial Office, a reputation as a "Transatlantic Tipperary", a far-flung but semi-Irish colony with the potential for political turbulence.

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Oh fuck,
Josie is so retarded


These guys are interesting

No, I wear a thin gold chain


By 2020 every white man will have a black bull in his house that fucks his wife

not sure the anus was designed with this in mind

no they're not fuck off


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Dumb frogposter

no u

I KNOw btut i'm poor goddamn

third wank of the night, will be back in 30 minutes

may attempt to seduce asians on interpals

going to get a leaf passport with the leaf wife
going to live by the mountains somewhere north of vancouver
going to have a slow relaxed life with the wife and cats and go hiking every now and then from our beautiful home

that's alright though silver is the colour of the white man
been toying with the idea of a little celtic cross pendant myself

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dad called me on the phone and I started barking like DMX

Just give us the Lombardi already

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Need an Azula wife.

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she only felt affection for ty lee

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Macron is really over the top with the cuckold shit

Before I was born I felt like a man trapped inside a woman’s body.

business idea: a cute lesbian gf who is straight only for me

there are people getting shot like two streets away from me right now. why is Brazil like this

lesbians are not real


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What were the 90's like?


Meme answer.

and it will get worse with your future neocon president

Ty lee was the only person that called azula beautiful girl

if a girl fingers herself she is technically a lesbian

it would certainly appear so

I told my shithead son he will have children of his own one day and he said "so will you."

>: thanks for the kind words pal

wouldn't mind polyamory or whatever it's called if my hypotheical gf was only doing girl on girl stuff desu



reckon i think there will be a civil war in brazil between communists and zio-fascists

>been toying with the idea of a little celtic cross pendant myself

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is it cuckoldry if your 2 gfs fuck together?

Thinking about Russian girls

Don't even try it Kiwi you seething little virgin

>Don't even try it Kiwi you seething little virgin

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just dropped a mug of milk on the kitchen floor/ havent cleaned it up yet i ran here to post this first

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think niggers should be killed

yeah totally me bro
go to bed VF

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not many actual communists in Brazil though. Bolsonaro voters consider even Hitler to be a communist

why does he wear the mask

>can't compliment women or i'm a rapist
>can't compliment men or i'm a bender
all i want to do is brighten up people's day


fuck off poofter

>not many actual communists in Brazil though.
well at least the guys who support Lula's workers party


ahh no
this retard has a confederate flag on his room LMAO

wheres melvin

sorry, I actually feel bad now

you lads ever wake up and you're really good looking

shut the fuck up mexicrement subhuman

gonna cop this bad boy

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they vote for Lula, not communism. it's different. Lula is very charismatic in comparison to most politicians

Macron is a man child that married his mother.

Imagine making beautiful slavic babbies with a full blooded russian bird
j-just like my grand daddy did

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aah hohol diaspora

No more Brother Wars Europe. Next time we fight it should be side by side .

then the war will be between lula supporters against bolsonaro military

*gets schwifty*

I am no Ukr*p subhuman


fuck off slit eyes

Macron really going hard on the double think.
The badge he wears is a symbol of nationalism from the civl war. Then proceeds to describe how nationalism is bad.

ah yes, more dead-eyed slavs


there's not going to be a war. if there was a war, it would be between Bolsonaro supporters and democracy. Lula supporters aren't as big in numbers as they once were


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